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Lady Shiv Moonsong

"My Mother Led a Life dictated by her own mind and what she deemed right. She paved a path that few could match and most wish they could."- Lady Melia Moonsong

Lady Shiv Moonsong (a.k.a. Lady Truth)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She lived an active life as both a performer and adventurer and her physical appearance reflected that.

Identifying Characteristics

Her long mane of raven black hair and almost luminestant green eyes were long remembered by any who gazed upon her

Physical quirks

If someon starts being what she deems as foolish she will give a long slow blink and matiching length sigh of cosmic patience.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shiv Moonsong was a clasiscally trained bard who grew bored with court life and playing the same requested pieces for those of wealth and standing but by no means intellectuals or dynamic people. So she packed up, selling all but the essentials and she and her travelling library (I said essentials didn't I?) and left. She eventually made the aquantence of a young mercenary captain named Duncan Moonstrike and his brother, Vonn.   The three hit it off and Shiv spent the next several years with Duncan and his company. She helped them from time to time but would always sing about what the company had done most recently. Fair or Foul, she would compose a witty song about what the company had done in its latest contract. This led to most of the company dubbing her Lady Truth after hearing their captain call her that in a dry fashion after a particularly pointed narative about how Duncan and his Company had been paid in advance by the Crown of Otenda to get hired by a rather lecherous lord only to double cross him to agents of the Kingdom and he could be stripped of lands and title. Lady Truth was very... elloquent in her depictations of the level of betrayel the company had inflicted upon one who thought he had bought discretion and safety with a contract that he too...paid in advance.   Over the years a relation formed between Duncan and Shiv. They Married in 2203. Legend says that Shiv's one requirement was that Duncan must provide addequate space for her books so in return Duncan built Castle Moonstrike to house her books. She dwelt there with Duncan as Lady Shiv Moonstrike, adding to her book collection, giving performances at events hosted at the Castle and looking for new ways in which help those who came to the lands the castle protected. She and Duncan were rather taken back by the numbers. Seems offering people safety and freedom withou almost utter servitude went a long way with people. She and Duncan had made exstensive contacts over the years so it was a simple matter to start investing and investing wisely in trade. Both She and Duncan had become wealthy with their travels and they invested that in their lands and their trade and both delivered returns. She passed surrounded by her husband two daughters and three grandchildren. Her youngest daughter would found the Moonsong Society in her honor. The second child of the Lord or Lady Moonstrike takes the title of Lord or Lady Moonsong and becomes the head of the Society.


Highly educated. Her family paid for the best in tutors and she excelled at almost everything she turned her attention to.


Became highly sought out for performances by the wealthy, well connected and nobility. She charged a premium and they paid it. She would also put on private and free performances for common folks and those who dwelt on Moonstrike lands. When those who were paying for a private performances objected that she performed for the poor for free, she doubled her fee for them   And they paid it.   And still put on free performances at hers and hers alone discretion

Accomplishments & Achievements

Well Known and respected Artist and Book Collector. Set the seeds for largest Independant Library on the continent and a life lived in a fashion to cause a powerful and good organization to be formed in her honor that operates still to this day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent and charismatic. And that wit can and will be used to cut and that fate becomes more likely the more Shiv judges you unworthy or foolish.

Morality & Philosophy

She posses a balance of knowledge and living understanding of right and wrong but with a practicality that not all situations have a clear black and white right or wrong answer


Open flames in the Library. Books could catch fire.
Current Location
Date of Birth
2237 BF
Date of Death
2152 BF
Circumstances of Death
Old age, surrounded by family and her books.
Place of Death
Castle Moonstrike
Long thick black hair
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
By her death she spoke and read every known language on the Continent.


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