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Castle Moonstrike

"Any Granted Sanctuary in Castle Moonstrike shall be safe from man or demon and neither man or demon dare attack those walls." - Lady Shiv Moonsong, wife of Duncan Moonstrike

Purpose / Function

A place for Duncan Moonstrike to spend his retirement as he wished. He had seen many who called style themselves with noble and royal titles and do little for those they were to lead. Most used the people to furthur their own agendas and were as easy to use up as any tool. Having earned a wealth of coin and treasure, investing shrewdly, Duncan found a location west of Freelander's Wall in the foothills to build a Castle and let it be known that needed sanctuary would be protected on his lands. And many came. The area of his control till he controlled dozens of square miles and those that came for sanctuary settled and built communities that thrived under Lord Moonstrike. He asked for little in the way of taxes and every coin went into servicing those who dwelt on his lands. He passed a thriving freeholding area to his daughter as well as a firm belief in what it truely meant to call oneself Lord or  Lady.


The Castle Proper has been expanded to encompanse all the area protected by the original inner wall and two walls have been built over the years to protect the large castle.


No expense was spared and from the mountains cut blocks of marble, granite and blackstone were quarried and then transported to the site. The castle and later additions were built to last and endure anything man or nature could throw at it.


One curtain outer wall, ten meters tall and 3 meters thick at it's base, two meters at the top. One main gate in the western wall and two sally gates, one north and other south. An Inner wall 100 meters inside the Outer wall stood five meters high and two Meter's thick at it's base and one meter thick at the top. both walls had oaken ramparts around for soldiers to defend from and circle towers were at ever corner and over every gate. The Towers had sheltered balconies and arrow slits. The castle had One tall main tower and four smaller ones at the corners. They, too, had sheltered balconies and arrow slits. All gates and outer doors of the castle were of heavy oak and steel reinforced constructions. Each Corner tower possesed a light catapault on a swivel platform


Castle Moonstrike is old. It's construction began right around the birth of Val the First in 2199 BF. It's construction was commissioned by a former mercenary captain who was retiring after a very successful, and profitable, career. When the original Keep Tower and Wall were complete He moved in, many of his former command choosing to enter his service out of loyalty for a few and for the rest... well he paid well. Duncan took up the title of Lord Moonstrike and after a pair of local lords assembled a few hundred men to come protest and were soundly routed, no one else objected. From the Lord Moonstrike ruled a land where any were welcome who needed sancutary. His decendents did the same and in times of great peril all of the people who owed fealty to the Lord or Lady Moonstrike was given shelter behind the Walls of Castle Moonstrike. When The Empire advanced to then Lord Terrance Moonstrike, the Empire, well aware of the fight that could be made here offered terms normally given to those who ruled city/states or larger. Lord Moonstrike bent knee to the Imperial throne and the lands held by his decendents were respected and an old Imperial Law was passed whe Lady Siobhan Moonstrike saved the life of the Imperial Heir, Princess Shandra in 1798 BF. The Law states that any who claimed santuary in Moonstrike lands and gave good service to the Lord or Lady and were not wanted for capital crimes would be free and unpursued. In exchange Lady Moonstrike decreed that any who violated Imperial Law while on Moonstrike lands would be treated as if committing a capitol crime. Since there was almost no crime due to how happy the people were this was largely accepted without complaint. When the Empire fell, Lord Mikel Moonstrike did not try and expands his lands and power as many did. He simply held to what had been his family's for millenia and any who tried to harm one of his citizens was met with fierce and unmerciless destruction. The Moonstrike family had over centuries ammassed a fabulous wealth in terms of coin, treasure and Magic Items. Outside of some Imperial Units such as the Shadowguard there was no better equipt force the the Guards of House Moonstrike. To this day any who would come and live under the protection of the Lord and Lady Moonstrike may do so and as long as they abide by the fair laws they will live free and be protected


Many have come over the centuries to visit Castle Moonstrike. Many a wonderful party or gala had been hosted and on three separate instances they hosted the Holder of the Imperial Throne.   It also hosts one of the largest independent libraries in the world. Lady Shiv Moonsong, Lord Duncan's wife, was an avid collector of stories and books and many of her heirs were as well.
Alternative Names
Library on the Hill, Moon's Rest
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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