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I watched as they carried the King from the field. Order of the Purple Shield were around them, shields to the sky. Over the king was her gauntleted fist. No arrow reached him and the king lived" Report of Sir Ian Dalire, Order of the Vigilant Eye

A polished steel left hand Gauntlet decorated with a single large smooth onyx set in Gold

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When a hand is placed withing Arrowbane the magic item conforms to it's new bearer and will remain that size until a new hand is placed within. When the bearer wishes they can clench their fist and speak the activation phrase. "Could it stop a Ballista" Which was the first phrase spoken when it first put on a member of the Imperial Family, Princess Gelina. Once activated it creates an area of about two meters radius, centered on the bracer, where incoming missiles are deflected in random directions, The angle does not matter. The deflection field will last for up to one hour. However long the field is up it will need an equal amount of time in cooldown before it can be activated again.

Manufacturing process

Present Valid Imperial Artisans Guild credentials for access.


Arrowbane is a creation of Tol Corovor. It was included in the Guild's tithe to Emperor Valog in 311 BF. The Guild's Tithe was always a mix of requested items and items made in general for The Empire to use as they see fit. Arrowbane was one such. It arrived at Mor Davon and after being inspected and inventoried by Imperial officials it went into the Vaults of the Imperial Throne for 234 years. It did come out once, in the summer of 76 BF by Princess Gelina when she came across it's description in the ledgered accounts she had been reviewing leading up to her Majority Day as she searched for a list of gifts she favored. Her father, Emperor Gogal IV, did not pass gift giving off to functionaries but he did demand a list of things favored so that he may review and choose.   Well after a small wing of the Imperial Palace was severely damaged by the ballista bolts, Arrowbane was sent back to the vaults and the Princess was limited to a favored list of only three items.   In 1 BF it was included in those granted to Isabella Reving as part of her privledges as a newly appointed Provincial Governor. When The Empire fell and the Kingdom of Sendilar was formed with The Writ of Sendilar, Arrowbane was granted as a Writ Token to the newly named Duke of Schild, Lothar Rivenspear.   Lothar had been Captain of the Guard of Bardhome ,the Provinical Capital. After recieving Arrowbane he did something his fellow newly minted ducal title holders did not. They all retained their Writ Tokens, only passing them to heirs.    Duke Lothar ordered that Arrowbane would be carried and used by the Knight who commanded the on duty Sovereign Guard. And going on for now almost four centuries it has been so. The only time a Duke or Duchess of Schild, or their heir, was if and when they ever commanded the on duty Sovereign Guard. The Passing of Arrowbane became the formal passing of command by the Knights of the Order of the Purple Shield who commanded the Guard.


Writ Token from Isabella Reving, First Queen of Sendilar to Lothar Rivenspear, First Duke of Schild
Creation Date
275 BF
Current Location
Owning Organization
Very Rare
.6 kg
27 cm
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Steel, gold, onyx gemstone


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