The Artisan's Guild Formal Charter Document in The Oldest Squire | World Anvil
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The Artisan's Guild Formal Charter

"With Magic to create and the Empire to protect us, the only limit on the Guild is our Devotion to the Empire" -Guildmaster Bel Naristan


The Charter establishes the obligations of both the Empire and the Imperial Artisan's  Guild. It lays out what the Empire shall provide to the Guild for it's upkeep and what the Guild shall provide in compensation

Document Structure


Four Permanent Clauses have been added and are incorperated in every ratification.    The First Clause states that the Imperial Artisan's Guild shall always put the needs of the Empire above the needs of the Guild   The Second and Third Clauses concerns the Imperial Forges. The Second states that an Imperial Forge and everything that happens therin is under the perview of the Imperial Artisan's Guid. An Imperial Forge will be under the adminstration of a Guildmaster or Guildmistress.     The Third States that the Holder of the Imperial Throne with an escort of four Shadowguards are the only nonmembers of the Imperial Artisan's Guild shall be able to enter an Imperial Forge   The Fourth Clause states that Guild shall upon request of the Imperial Throne, produce an accounting of resources for the last complete cycle of the Charter.   Every Ratification of the Guild Charter also includes a number of clauses that are submitted for Imperial approval during every Ratification of the Charter


Only two Caveats have ever been included in the Guild Charter.    The First has been included since Val the First. If any signifigant portion of the Guild is ever found to be guilty of Treason then the entirety of the Guild shall be under immediate death sentence to be ordered or held in abeance at the Imperial Throne's discretion    The Second was added during the Reign of Shontella the Implacable. It states that if the Empire is ever in danger of Falling then it is the Imperial Artisan's Guild that is to be charged with restoring it at all costs.

Publication Status

Two copies were produced at every Ratification. One was kept by the Imperial Throne and the other entrusted to the Imperial Artisan's Guild

Legal status

Per Imperial Law, the Charter was legally binding to every Citizen of the Empire, Guildmember or not.

Historical Details


The Guild Charter is the evolution of the Original contract between Val the First and a group of magical artisan's.


The compact between Val the First and the progenitors of the Guild created the chance for the Empire to rise. The original four suits of Shadowguard Armor allowed Val to conquor first Zwintar then other citystates, leading to the Birth of the Bendil Empire.

Public Reaction

During the history of the Empire the Guild was a place of mystery and hushed speculation. More then a century since the recognized end of the Guild it has grown to the status of myth and legend


The vast majority of Magical Items in the world are the creation of the Artisan's Guild.


The Charter is a living document. Since the reign of Val the First the Charter has a life of three years. Every three years the Guild would present to the holder of the Imperial Throne their submission for Artisan Guild's Formal Charter. If the holder of the Imperial Throne accepted it then the Charter was ratified for another three years, After the death of Val the first the Charter had to meet Imperial approval by the 22nd day of the new holder of the Imperial Thrones reign.
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
2177 BF
Ratification Date
On the 22nd day of a new Imperial Reign
Expiration Date
203 AF
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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