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Queen Eliza Darkheart

Queen Eliza "Vedania" Darkheart- Getrick

In the heart-wrenching tale of Queen Eliza Darkheart's journey, she emerged from the shadows of fear and isolation to become a symbol of resilience and hope. Found amidst the refugees at a young age, Eliza was feared for her uncontrollable magical power, which kept people at a distance of 60 feet. Despite the danger, Lady Vedania Mella Ofandrus, a compassionate and wise arch-mage, pushed through the fear and embraced the young girl. Enduring the magical damage inflicted by Eliza, Lady Vedania's act of acceptance shattered the barriers around her heart, leaving Eliza in tears, unable to comprehend such compassion.   Eliza's past was a tapestry of tragedy, as she discovered that her magical power had inadvertently caused the death of her mother at the tender age of 4. Her fate took a darker turn when she was sold into slavery, subjected to torture, and having the precious obsidian scales on her back painfully removed for profit. Her salvation came in the form of Lady Ariana, a noble knight of The Order, who freed Eliza and her fellow enslaved individuals, bringing them to the sanctuary of Cetina.   Under Lady Vedania's skilled guidance, utilizing the Magic of Ser Hersher, The Arch-Fae of the Order, a Demiplane with time dilation was created. In this realm, Eliza and Lady Vedania underwent intense training, spending the equivalent of a year and a half while only five hours passed in the material world. This rigorous training enabled Eliza to gain control over her magic, freeing her from the fear of being a threat to others.   The truth of Eliza's extraordinary heritage was unveiled with the assistance of Lady Lura, a Paladin of Bahamut, who found the blood link between Eliza and Chaygayryth, the Great Wyrm Obsidian Dragon. It was Ser Jaroth, the Half-Dragon archer from Lady Lura's own time, who knew the true history of Chaygayryth. Ser Jaroth possessed knowledge of Chaygayryth's transformation using the magic of ten ancient and powerful dragons to become Lord Lucian Darkheart. He married an angel named Lucinda, uniting the land of Quellgris under a single banner. Hailed as Emperor Lucian Darkheart The First Dragon, Eliza was a direct descendant of him, entitling her to an unparalleled claim to the throne of The Obsidian Empire.   Crowned as Queen at the age of 13, Eliza Darkheart's reign has been marked by compassion and wisdom. She carries the legacy of her ancient bloodline, embracing her past and transforming it into a force of unity and strength for her people. Guided by the wisdom of Lady Vedania, the knowledge of Lady Lura, and the insights of Ser Jaroth, with the support of The Order of Lucian, Queen Eliza stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration.   Her journey serves as a testament to the power of compassion, acceptance, and self-discovery, proving that even the darkest of pasts can be overcome with resilience and love. As the reigning queen, she continues to inspire her subjects, as they witness the embodiment of strength and grace in their ruler, Queen Eliza Darkheart of The Obsidian Empire.


She is the current Queen of Cetina and The Order of Lucian
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Apprentice Eliza
13 (And a half)
Date of Birth
16th of Aryth, Year 1 of the Age of Darkness
When calm: A soft yellow, with a gaze of intensity - When angry: Slitted dragon-like eyes, cold black
Long, blood red, cascading over her shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale-ish, With soft specs of dark glass-like scales on her back
5'1" / 154.94
102lb / 46.27 kg
Aligned Organization
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