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The Dark One

As The Order re-awakened from their long rest, they found themselves in an unknown world, surrounded by the ruins of an unfamiliar castle. Among the re-awakened souls was Lady Vedania, the Arch-Mage, and Ser Jonan, a dragonborn wielding a mighty great sword. Though not as intellectually gifted as Lady Vedania, Ser Jonan proved to be a capable fighter and protector in this strange new land.   As they made their way towards a nearby ruined town, they encountered a group of refugees who cowered in fear at the sight of them. Lady Vedania, utilizing her silver-tongue, swiftly approached the terrified refugees, promising them safety and vowing it upon The Order, an organization unknown to all but one among them - a small, frail girl dressed in priest-like clothing, whom the refugees hailed as their historian.   The historian, while aware of The Order's existence, explained that it was forbidden knowledge, shrouded in mystery and secrecy. The Holy Republic of Felderon had forbidden any and all knoweldge about it. Nevertheless, her limited understanding of it intrigued Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan, leaving them with more questions than answers. As the days passed, Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan continued their search for more members of The Order. Each day brought new challenges and revelations as they encountered the re-awakened souls who once belonged to this esteemed group.   One of the first they found was Ser Mordred, an imposing figure clad in black armor, wielding two great swords. At first glance, Lady Vedania perceived him as a formidable adversary, akin to a death knight. However, as they exchanged words and fought side by side, she soon discovered that Ser Mordred's loyalty and sense of honor were unwavering, making him a valued ally rather than an enemy.   Next among the re-awakened was Lady Ariana, the epitome of a perfect knight. Adorned in full-plate armor, with her sword always by her side, she moved with lightning speed and displayed an extraordinary mastery over elemental manipulation. Lady Vedania marveled at her powers, finding comfort in the knowledge that she had such a skilled and dedicated knight by her side.   Then there was Ser Hersher, a quiet and unassuming human whose rugged and tattered clothing belied his true strength. His piercing eyes hinted at the power he possessed, and his demeanor suggested a seasoned warrior who had seen his share of battles. Lady Vedania sensed a profound depth within him, and his silent determination became a source of inspiration for the rest of The Order.   Throughout their journey, they encountered a few more re-awakened souls, whose names and deeds would eventually fade into the annals of history. While not all of them left a lasting mark, each played a crucial role in The Order's quest to rediscover their purpose and forge new bonds in this unfamiliar world.   As The Order united, they discovered scattered fragments of knowledge hinting at their once-mighty organization's existence. Despite the limited time, the bonds of camaraderie formed quickly among the re-awakened members, as they faced the challenges of this enigmatic world together.   Lady Vedania's silver-tongue reassured the refugees they encountered, promising safety and protection, while Ser Jonan's strength served as a shield against potential threats. Amidst the chaos and confusion of their re-awakening, The Order began to make sense of their newfound roles and their purpose in this strange realm.   With every passing moment, they learned more about The Order's history and their connection to this mysterious land. As the days drew to a close, Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan found themselves not only united with their re-awakened comrades but also with a shared determination to uncover the truth behind their return and protect this world from impending dangers.   With the newly reunited Order members and the few inhabitants they had found, they embarked on the task of rebuilding the once-great city that now lay in ruins. However, the magnitude of the endeavor quickly became apparent, and they realized that they did not have enough hands to accomplish it swiftly.   In a stroke of wisdom, Lady Vedania suggested seeking aid from the skilled dwarves known for their craftsmanship. The Order approached the dwarves with humility and explained their situation, requesting their assistance in rebuilding the city. In exchange, the dwarves could have the freedom to build whatever they desired within the city's confines. The dwarves readily agreed, recognizing the potential of this collaboration.   As the days passed, the dwarves worked tirelessly, putting their craftsmanship to good use, while The Order members and the other inhabitants contributed with their unique skills and knowledge. The city began to slowly take shape, rising from the ruins like a phoenix reborn.   During one of the routine Order meetings, Lady Ariana brought up a curious discovery. In the heart of the city, they found a strange stone archway, seemingly ancient and infused with mystical energies. As the members investigated, the archway unexpectedly activated, pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow.   Intrigued yet cautious, The Order deliberated on their next steps. They decided to send a small team through the archway to explore what lay on the other side and report back. Lady Vedania, Ser Jonan, and Ser Mordred volunteered for this daring mission, their resolve fortified by the camaraderie they had forged during their journey.   With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, the trio stepped through the archway and felt a sensation of being pulled through time and space. When they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in an entirely different realm, unlike anything they had encountered before.   As Lady Vedania, Ser Jonan, and Ser Mordred ventured through the Waygate to another land, they found themselves in a realm shrouded in sorrow and despair. The decrepit shrine they stumbled upon spoke of ancient mysteries and forgotten tales. As they ventured southward, they discovered a land blanketed in an eternal winter, its once vibrant beauty now hidden beneath a layer of snow.   They encountered a group of survivors in the snow-covered lands who spoke of a malevolent entity known as "The Dark One." This being had unleashed devastation upon the land, leaving destruction and death in its wake. The trio learned that "The Dark One" wielded unimaginable power and had wreaked havoc for centuries, causing immeasurable suffering to the innocent inhabitants.   As Lady Vedania and Ser Mordred listened to the survivors' accounts, memories from their past lives flooded their minds. They realized with a mix of horror and recognition that this land was, in fact, the place they once called home, the realm they grew up in before their untimely demise. The nostalgia of returning to their homeland was tainted by the knowledge that it was now a land engulfed in darkness.   Determined to confront this malevolence and protect the world they once cherished, Lady Vedania, Ser Jonan, and Ser Mordred resolved to face "The Dark One" and bring an end to the suffering it had wrought.   Their journey led them through treacherous terrains and across perilous landscapes. They encountered other brave souls along the way, each with their own harrowing tales of survival and loss. Together, they formed an alliance to challenge the malevolent force that had plagued their world for generations.   As Lady Vedania, Ser Jonan and Ser Mordred journeyed southwards, they arrived at the ruins of what was once the magnificent capital city. The sight of the devastated landscape was heartbreaking for Lady Vedania, as memories of her childhood and cherished moments flooded back. It was a stark reminder of the passage of time and the devastation that "The Dark One" had wrought upon her homeland.   In the years that followed, they waged a tireless war against "The Dark One" and its forces. Battles were fought on various fronts, and each victory came with a price, and each defeat was brutal.   Lady Vedania faced both external and internal struggles. The weight of her own forgotten existence and the burden of her responsibilities weighed heavily on her heart. She saw the destruction and suffering brought upon the world during her absence and felt a profound sense of duty to rectify the horrors that had unfolded in her wake.   As the battles raged on, Lady Vedania's determination and strategic brilliance became instrumental in the fight against "The Dark One." The Order's unwavering commitment to justice and the preservation of innocent lives forged an unbreakable camaraderie among its members.   Throughout their arduous journey, they discovered fragments of their forgotten past, lost memories, and tales of their heroic deeds from a bygone era. The people they encountered were initially skeptical of The Order's return, but with each triumph over darkness, faith and hope were reignited among the populace.   The battles were grueling and relentless, as "The Dark One" deployed its minions to thwart their efforts. Lady Vedania's magical prowess, Ser Jonan's indomitable dragonborn strength, and Ser Mordred's exceptional combat skills became their greatest assets in the fight against the darkness.   Amidst the hardships, Lady Vedania and Ser Mordred found solace in each other's company, sharing their memories of happier times and the beauty their land once possessed. The connection they had in their past lives now forged an unbreakable bond, as they vowed to reclaim their homeland from the grip of malevolence.   The journey back to Cetina was a bittersweet one for Lady Vedania and her companions. The battle in Reedwaters had been intense, leaving them weary and wounded, but they had emerged victorious, driving back the forces of darkness that had threatened the village. The quaint little village, once filled with fear and despair, now celebrated their saviors with gratitude and relief.'   Upon their return to Cetina, Lady Vedania and her companions gathered the rest of The Order, where they shared the harrowing tale of their journey to the other land. The room was filled with a mix of emotions as they recounted the devastation they had witnessed and the revelation of Lady Vedania's long absence from the world. Their fellow members listened intently, their expressions reflecting concern and determination. They knew that "The Dark One" posed a grave threat not only to Cetina but to all their worlds. It was clear that the evil force had to be stopped, or countless lives would be lost.   As Lady Vedania detailed the knowledge they had gained about "The Dark One" and his immense power, Lady Ariana, Ser Hersher, and the others began to brainstorm strategies. They discussed the need to gather more information, scout enemy forces, and form alliances with other regions to bolster their ranks.   Lady Vedania's wisdom and Ser Jonan's knowledge of the northern lands proved invaluable in crafting a plan to confront "The Dark One." Lady Ariana's tactical expertise and Ser Mordred's combat prowess added depth to their strategy. Each member brought their unique skills and perspectives to the table, forming a formidable force against the darkness.   Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan stood before the Arch-Angles in the grand, yet dilapidated throne room. The ethereal beings' presence filled the space with an otherworldly aura. The Arch-Angels looked upon them with solemn grace, their eyes holding ancient wisdom and boundless compassion.   As the Arch-Angels spoke, Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan felt a surge of power resonating within them, an energy that seemed to connect them to something far greater than themselves. They were told of their angelic lineage, descendants of celestial beings who once walked the heavens. They were brought back to life with a divine purpose—to combat the malevolent force known as "The Dark One."   The Arch-Angels explained that whenever a member of The Order fell in battle, a new hero from the past would be awakened, carrying the mantle and power of their fallen predecessor. This cycle of reincarnation had been set in motion by the divine beings themselves, ensuring that the fight against darkness would never falter, and hope would never fade.   Lady Vedania and Ser Jonan were chosen to lead and guide these new arrivals. They were now custodians of knowledge, tasked with sharing the history and experiences of The Order with the freshly awakened heroes. As descendants of angels, they possessed the ability to connect with these new members on a profound level, helping them understand their purpose and the gravity of their mission.



Peace in the world



The Order of Lucian and Their Queen; Queen Eliza Darkheart is currently fighting The Dark One


Their current allies are;  
  • The Vampires of Whitestone
  • The Dragons of Illyca
  • The Dwarves of Cendyrel
  • The Beasts of Mordred

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