Blalima (blaw-LEE-mah)

Whether considered passionate or violent, this group opposes much in the Empire, particularly the dissolution of the Imperial Guard. But the core of Blalima don't actively seek to actually destroy the empire—unlike their primary opponents, the White Cloud gangs. The leadership insists that their aim is to fulfil the promises of the land, not destory them.   That being said, there are those on the fringes who claim the Blalima identity who do actively seek to topple the imperial regime. These are mostly violent anarchists who, lacking a cohesive identity of their own, exploit the Blalima for their own ends, even if they claim to be "defending" what the movement stands for.


Loosely affiliated teams operate out of their home cities with some coordination from the imperial capitol, somewhat like a franchise or conference.

Public Agenda

Their primary activity is the promotion of sentient-rights, dignity of persons regardless of race, and a level field of opportunity for all.

Our Lives Have Value

Political, Activist


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