Empire of the West

The Empire. It is many things to many people. For some, it is the paramount of all goodness and righteousness in the world. For others, it is the epitome of all that is evil and corrupt. For many, it simply is, and whatever "is" is, that includes being too big and powerful and lumbering and mundane to have much consideration for except to either dwell in it or put up with it. It is not the only empire in the world, but whenever people talk about an empire, this is what they mean.

The Empire is dying. Great unrest, brought about by the wraiths and growing inequality have given rise to a number of openly hostile factions, including the Mategans, White Cloud gangs, the Bersodemaocs, and the Blalimas, among others. Other empires and their agents are also active, although much more covertly. And the allies of the Empire have grown anemic and distracted in their own ways.


This empire is currently a kind of electocratic-republic in which powerful dukes and barons form a kind of ruling council, but it is so rife with intrigue, corruption, and stagnation that very little, if anything, productive comes from it anymore. The Empire is still recovering from the passions of a mad emperor during its kakisto-kraterocracy phase from just a few years ago. While that emperor was exiled, he retains a loyal following, and he has vowed to take make the Empire into his own personal dictatorship. Even now, he masses his armies for the final battle to come.


The Empire has the most powerful military, economy, industry, academics, and technology in the world. But as its power crumbles, each of these will eventually fall. The first of these casualties appears to be academia as its citizens are rapidly losing their knowledge primacy in the world.


Once the envy of the world, the recent mad emperor attempted to dismantle the critical thinking capacity of the empire and replace it with religious instruction that supports his cult great again. Now, wraiths are attacking the remaining institutions of learning.



ex uno multis

Founded: long ago, but not that long ago - Dissolved: soon

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body

A mostly impotent High Council, made up of several factions of dukes, duchesses, barons and baronesses, very corrupt and self-interested, engaged in openly hostile intrigue with one another rather than in fighting the wraiths or in the daily affairs of the Empire.

Judicial Body

The High Court has been infiltrated by vampires and doppelgangers, installed by the former, mad emperor. It is believed that two or three who remain are still fully human, but it's hard to tell.

Executive Body

The empire is currently run by an old emperor, even older than the king and an imperial princess named Kamhar. His power fails by the season. Many in the High Council openly defy him.


Equally as much rivals as they are trading partners, displomatic relations are positive, but strained and cold. Unfortunately, it is also deteriorating.

Cold War

The relationship between the North and the West has deteriorated rapidly in the last decade. While not formally at war with one another, each have closed their borders and the citizens of each empire may find themselves arrested if they find themselves on the other side.


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