
Those that belong to the Metegans are the largest, most vocal, and most powerful group in open conflict with that of the Empire. Their leader is a boisterous, obstinate human who at times calls upon his followers to violently overthrow the rulers and install him as its absolute Caesar.   The Metegans often court the help of the White Cloud gangs for the violence to the point that it's difficult to distinguish the members of one or the other.


Members are easily recognizable by their red capes and helmet crests.

Tenets of Faith

Anything that the Supreme Leader says is the truth without critical dissent.


The only sin is disloyalty to the Supreme Leader and his word.


Worship of the Supreme Leader by showing unerring loyalty is the only acceptable worship.

Political Influence & Intrigue

This group is so powerful that it has essentially ground the governance of the Empire to a halt. They actively seek to usurp the Emperor and the rulers of the Empire, perhaps catastrophically, if necessary.

In the Supreme Leader alone we trust; Supreme Leader is our god

Founding Date
a time, and a times, and a half-a-time
Religious, Cult
Notable Members


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