
To be Orckind is to have genetic Orc ancestry and originate from a place far outside of either the Other Realm or the Real World called Pleiadia.

The most notable characteristics of the Orckind are their dense, fit physique, green skin, pointed ears, and tusk-like teeth protruding from their lower jaws. Unlike the villains of most other Fantasy RPG lore, the Orcs and Orckind in Pleiadia are vital members of the Humanoid species. They are respected for their honor and known for their great bravery and close-knit family structure. In the great Demonic Invasions of the 170s, it was a battalion of Orckind that saved our civilization from oblivion. They make excellent soldiers, mercenaries, guards, security detail, and law enforcement.

In recent years, scholars and activists have come to the realization that the term "Half-Orc" is not only scientifically wrong, but culturally inaccurate, Human-centric, and even socially damaging. The term "Orckind" has become the prefered term for both the subspecies of Humanoid as well as the Orc culture. There is no longer a distinction between the amount (or quanta) of Orc to be included in the Orkind term.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Perhaps the most obvious characteristic of Orckind as seen from a distance is their green skin, ranging from a muted lime green to a dark olive green. It's the green pigment that distinguishes this subspecies among the other Humanoids, and is a dominant trait among the offspring of orc hybrids.

Secondary characteristics include tusks or tusk-like teeth on the lower jaw, usually protruding from the mouth. Typically, two tusks are prominent, but a second inner pair can be seen on many full-blooded orcs. Full orcs also tend to have longer and thicker tusks than their hybrid Orckind kin.

Also, pointed ears, much like that of elves and elfin-kind, are prominent. Full orcs have the largest and pointiest of their kind, with hybrids taking on smaller, rounder forms depending on their parentage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While omnivorous, Orckind do require substantial amounts of protein to sustain adequate muscle mass. They prefer meat and fish to plant-based foods, making it incredibly rare to find any vegetarian and vegan orcs. They are not picky about the kind of meat, though, and will feast on monsters and creatures of many kinds, including Goblinkin.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Two large tusk-like teeth protrude from a severe under-bite, which stick out of their mouths.

Average Intelligence

While academics is not particularly prevalent among Orckind, they can be cunning in battle. The average orc tends to be on the lower side of average intelligence among the Humanoids, but there are plenty of exceptions to that rule. They don't ask questions or challenge orders, making them preferable as soldiers.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Tattoos are common among soldiers. Piercings in the nose and especially ears are common, but never pierced lips.

Gender Ideals

Differences between men and women are minimal, and there are few gender roles. Men and women are as common as soldiers and warriors as they are raising children and performing domestic chores. The head of household is typically whomever is the strongest but is shared equally among all the senior adult members.

Courtship Ideals

Orcs interested in marriage challenge their love interest to combat. Orckind interested in non-Orckind or other "half-orcs" may forego combat and have various kinds of ritual competitions instead.

Common Etiquette Rules

The best way to get along with an orc is to be straightforward, honest, and respectful. Orckind lack the egotism of other Humanoids, especially Elves, so there is little one can say that will offend an orc. They do look down on wimps, but even more so on sycophants and suck-ups. They know they are usually the biggest, baddest thing in the room, and as long as you acknowledge that fact, you'll be just fine. You don't have to agree with an orc, and if you are up front with that, they can be willing to compromise since they aren't stubborn either.

Common Dress Code

Orckind tend to wear very simple, pragmatic clothing, and often adorn themselves with furs. Armor is common, particularly among warriors and military. Modesty isn't a concern. There is little difference between male and female clothing styles.

Common Taboos

  • Never make any comparison of an Orckind to a pig, hog, or boar. Making pig noises at an orc is extremely rude.
  • Making a circle with your thumb and forefinger and putting your nose in it is a rude and offensive gesture to most Orckind, akin to flipping someone off.
  • Never get caught in a lie to an orc. Loss of limbs may occur.
  • Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Orckind are not haughty, arrogant, or overly stubborn (so long as you treat them with the proper respect). They are willing to work with other Humanoids, but getting along with arrogant Elves can be a challenge. They are hostile to all Goblinkin and Demons, suspicious of Demonkin and Celestials, and to most Draconin, and neutral to Chimeric species.

  • Orc offspring with other Humanoids is possible, and even common between Humans and Orcs, which are called Orckind.
  • The offspring of an Orc and an Elf is called an Ujin.
  • Orc-Dwarf hybrids are often called Duergar, and are not to be confused with creatures of other franchises outside of EAO.
  • Offspring of an Orc and the smaller Humanoids—Halflings and Gnomes—is almost unheard of. Halfling-Orc offspring are called Drekin. Orc-Gnome hybrids in particular are considered disgusting among Orcs, Orckind and Gnomes. If any poor child of this kind were found, they would be referred to as the "Nameless" race.
  • Orc Family

    65 years (much lower among soldiers ~45 years)
    Average Height
    2.0 m ± 15 cm (6 ft, 6 in ± 6 in) average
    Average Physique

    Orckind have dense muscle mass, and tend to have greater strength and vitality than other Humanoids.

    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

    green skin, ranging from a muted lime green to a dark olive green.
    Despite thick, black hair on their heads and sometimes as facial hair, Orckind are completely hairless everywhere else on their bodies!