The Real World

For too many people, Reality is not a desirable existence. These people suffer from mental illnesses like depression or schizophrenia, embrace the meaninglessness of a nihilistic worldview, or are simply just so lonely and disillusioned by our modern world that they lose sight of the mystery and beauty of the real world.

The real world is neither good nor bad. After all, it is where Truth exists, and Truth can be just as painful as it can be liberating. It is where pain exists, and yet where beauty is more than illusion or delusion. Reality just simply is, whether regardless of our actions, or because of them. It is where true Life is, and yet where Death is inevitably.

In what is often referred to as the "Western Hemisphere" or sometimes as the "First World" a great quantity of human beings hate Reality, for some reason. Some have legitimate reasons for it, such as suffering abuse and neglect, pain and sickness, war and pollution, and other injustices. But there seems to be an even more accute need for others to escape something in Real Life. And this is seen by the incredible amount of energy put into entertainment, drugs, politics, and other distractions rather than actually dealing with Reality face on.

Those who like Reality tend to be in the minority, but there are more of them than you might think. These people might include those fighting cancer, new parents, caring couples, authentically close families, or those surrounded by nature's beauty. Many find beauty, joy, and meaning in Life and while not looking forward to Death, accept it and fill their lives for themselves and others.

It should be noted that the Real World is opposite of The Other Realm (including and especially Thotre).




Multiple environments and dynamics that govern the ecosystem, which not only includes all of the ones found on Earth, but every part of the space-time continuum in this universe. (a.k.a. physics)

Ecosystem Cycles

The physical laws of matter and energy, particularly the Laws of Thermodynamics indicate that energy and matter are conserved, and that entropy always increases.

Localized Phenomena


Natural Resources

all of them


all of time


Many wise people have suggested that all creatures, humans in particular, are all just tourists in their particular time and place.

Alternative Name(s)
Life, the Universe, and Everything


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