The Messiah of Telsa

His Most Holy and Unquestionable Perfectness™ Allum Reef Mousek

Perhaps the richest and most powerful demigod to walk the earth is the Great and Terrible Messiah of Telsa.

He hath proclaimed that He alone knows and speaks the truth, and such as it hath been declared by His Most Holy Person, so it is, because He hath spaketh so. And, lo, the Most Holy Mouth hath declared that none shall be greater than He, so it is, because he hath spaketh so.
— The Gospel According to Nicolai

Divine Domains

  • the domain of the lightning ox
  • the domain of the bird
  • the domain of the dragon
  • Artifacts

    And you shall know him by the sign of the "T", which is also the sign of the "X", and he shall show his favor upon you by giving you the [blue] bird. And thus your tongues will be loosened and your babel will spread across the earth without censor, save by the Messiah himself.
    — The Gospel According to Nicolai

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    totalitarian anarcho-capitalism

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Allum was born in the far southern realms in a province far, far away to an aristocratic lineage the prided itself on its forward thinking about the inept natives of their lands. Before his ascension, he came to the lands of Telsa and thus appropriated its ethnicity upon himself.

    Granted the feats of controlling Chaos by the gods of Privy Ledge, he soon gained great power and authority. All would envy his Oxen made of lightning, and many clamored to purchase these beasts, which soon poured great wealth into his purse. "Who is like Allum, and who can stand against him?" was the cry from his people. Then, one day, he proclaimed himself Messiah who would take his people up to the stars by hitching his chariot roadster to the Dragon, and there was much rejoicing. And to make sure that this rejoicing would resound to all corners of the earth, he harnessed the birds to spread his messages of love, hate, and... whatever

    as long as it wasn't criticism against him
    ... so that his gospel might be applied by the shovel-full to every doorstep.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    He's really not smart at all. He hasn't invented anything that he owns. He just takes all of the credit for it.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Allum is always right.


    Anyone telling Allum that he is, in fact, wrong.


    Contacts & Relations

    Despite his belief that he is God, he has given his blessing to the Supreme Leader and bestows upon him all of his power of communication, influence, and wealth. While it may seem that he is a member of the Mategan cult, it is more likely that he believes that the Mategan disciples are just a subset of his followers and that Supreme Leader derives his power and authority through him, and is just a precursor to the divine Kingdom of Allum, made in the Messiah's image.

    Religious Views

    He is God.

    Social Aptitude

    His ego is almost as large as that of the Supreme Leader

    Wealth & Financial state


    Divine Classification
    Chaotic Evil
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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