Thotre (THOH-truh)

Thotre is a region of land that consists mostly of the drainage basin of the Thotre River. The kingdom of Kiofthotre is found in the hilly middle portion of the basin. The fey lands to the south of Kiofthotre occupy the wild forests, foothills, and mountains. The lowlands north join the larger T'Malle and T'Ger valleys where the land is flat and the rivers meander.


The Thotre region lies in the cool temperate regions and is largely defined by the drainage basin of the Thotre River. It also includes the highlands to the east and a few valleys that do not drain into the basin, and mountain ranges to the south and west. The middle section undulates between the river valley and surrounding hills. Buttes on the southern border of Kiofthotre serve as excellent high ground for observation and defense.


Biomes range from mountain top glaciers, highland tundras, steppes in the west, and river bottoms particularly in the north. Broad grasslands, thick alpine evergreen forests, and hilly woodlands are also common throughout the region.   The buttes around the outpost are scrubland steppes occasionally watered by fast-running streams lined with cottonwood trees. Here, wild horses, buffalo, antelope, and coyote can be seen, as well as jackrabbit and grouse. Hawks reel overhead, catching thermals.

Localized Phenomena

The mountainous regions to the south of Kiofthotre are mysterious and are said to belong to either gods or supernatural beings. A thermal region of many hot springs and a few geysers are said to be in the southernmost parts, beyond the headwaters of the river.
Included Locations
Included Organizations
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