Shadow of War

Political event


Vogler is gone, devastated by the Red Dragon Army. After escaping the village by following the Vingaard River, the characters and other survivors seek refuge in the city of Kalaman. They carry with them a warning: war is coming for Kalaman. The city’s leaders recruit the characters to help identify and resist the threat of the Red Dragon Army. As the characters travel the lands around Kalaman, they learn more about the Dragon Army’s goals and the terrifying shadow behind this war.   The party and refugees arrive in Kalaman, and the party is tasked with parleying with the Kalamani government to seek protection for themselves and the refugees. They find Governer Miat inside the city council chambers already speaking with a member of the Voglerite nobility, Lord Bakaris the Elder. They speak of the courageous defense of Vogler and its eventual demise.   The party is invited to join the Kalamani military to attempt to figure out what the Dragon Queen is planning and earn some cash in the process. They engage the Draconian army in various skirmishes around Kalaman. They eventually encounter a devil named Titivilus who claims to work for Tiamat and has captured their friend Darrett. He tasks them with returning to Kalaman and resurrecting a knight named Zanas Sarlamir. They reluctantly agree.   Upon return to Kalaman, the party find the upper government of the city murdered by undead knights who infiltrated the city. The only member of the government who escaped the massacre was Marshall Vendri, head of the Kalamani military. One of the undead knights carries a scroll that looks identical to the one Titivilus provided them for the awakening ritual. As they press deeper into the catacombs, they find the tomb of Zanas Sarlamir, as well as images of a knight's tale depicted in strange violet flames.   As the party resurrects Sarlamir, he promptly attacks them, declaring allegiance to Lord Soth. The party is able to defeat him and finds a tablet leading them to the Northern Wastes. and the City of Lost Names. As they press further into the catacombs, they see a dragon rider, presumably Lord Soth, flying northbound across the sea. They are able to procure a ship from Marshall Vendri and begin their pursuit.

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Act II: Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen