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Alchemical Acquisitionist

The branch of magitecknology dedicated to Alchemy on Layman's Belt deals not only with cataloguing the known reagents spread across the Belt but also deals with new, potential reagents. It seeks to discover every possible ingredient and its potential effects within potions and elixirs. This is where the extraordinary job of Alchemical Aquisitionist comes in. The task of an Alchemical Acquisitionist is simple, though fraught with challenges and dangers. They must go out to the fringes of known territory and find brand new potion components so far unknown to science. This often involved battling through strange astral vegetation, fighting down esoteric and extraterrestrial beasts and sampling things that should never go near one's mouth.    Alchemical Aquisitionists travel far throughout the Belt, with some even taking trips into the deep dark of the Great Forests, though some of these trips do end up one way. The ones that do come back, however, often do so to great applause and recognition, having the opportunity to have some great discovery named after themselves and to have mind-blowing stories for years to come. The job itself is also paid quite well, especially when the branch needs a large amount of reagent found in some of the most dangerous areas. Some guards and soldiers of the Defenders of the Rest often turn their hand to this profession, finding the appeal of adventure to be more drawing than the idea of staying home and keeping vigilance for pickpockets and stray fires.



To become an Alchemical Aquisitionist, one must have a solid grasp on the art of alchemy itself, understanding the effects that boiling, condensing and concentrating can have on seemingly typical ingredients. One must also have the true spirit of an adventurer, trained in at least one kind of weapon or offensive magic and be ready to thrust oneself into the maws of danger to further the understanding of alchemical science.

Career Progression

Most of the time, someone who takes on the job of Alchemical Aquisitionist will only take a handful of missions before coming back home and taking a more stationary job within the research or theoretical areas of the branch, at least for a time. There are no ranks above or below Aquisitionist, as the task is treated with great recognition of the immense potential dangers that can arrise.

Payment & Reimbursement

Alchemical Aquisitionist is a very well-paid role within the branch of Alchemy. Whilst only paid on completion of the task, the pay is equal to the danger that the Aquisitionist would have had to undergo. This means that the more terrifying the trail, the more terrific the treasure.

Other Benefits

The benefits of Alchemical Aquisitionist do not end at the fantastic pay packets. For those who discover something wholly new, they will go down in history books and often have the new ingredient named after them in some way, or get to name the ingredient themselves. Regardless of the task, an Aquisitionist always comes home to great praise, no matter success or failure.



The purpose of an Alchemical Aquisitionist is to seek out brand new reagents for potion-work, as well as to acquire the more dangerous ingredients that can't be easily farmed. This job often leads to danger and so is seen as a task only for the most adventurous souls.
Alternative Names
Research / Scientific

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