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De-facto capital of the Eldeen Reaches, and home to representatives of every major druidic sect, and considered by many to be the spiritual centre of Khorvaire's druidic faiths.   All the druidic sects of the Reaches gather here to discuss matters related to the natural world. Recently, the population of Greenheart grew exponentially after the secession of the Reaches from Aundair, and then more so after the Wardens of the Wood signed the Treaty of Thronehold to recognise the Eldeen Reaches as a nation. Today, Greenheart is a wondrous blend of civilization and nature. Buildings such as businesses and residences are integrated into the towering trees that dot the clearing, leading some to call it a “wilder Sharn.” The dragonmarked houses have also begun to expand their business into Greenheart, though the druids have varying opinions on their presence within the city. Not all groups are happy about the urbanization of Greenheart, particularly the Ashbound and the Children of Winter, who believe that civilization is either a disease or a way to coddle the weak.     Greenheart is unique in that it was built on a rare nexus of natural power - a fane - which infuses the city with primal magic. It is assumed that the natural energies of the fane are the cause behind the massive trees which the city’s wards were built around, while a different druidic sect manages each tree. Surrounding the city is a forty-foot high, ten-foot thick wall of thorns raised by Oalian nearly two hundred years ago to defend Greenheart from the lycanthropic surge, maintained by a cadre of dryads.   On the northwestern border of the city is the Copper Lake, in which lies the Verdant Fane - the island that serves as the grove of Oalian the Greatpine himself, and a nexus of natural power that holds sway over an unknown but enormous region of Khorvaire. Because of Oalian’s presence and the sensitive discussions carried out within, the island is off-limits to those who are not members of a druidic tradition. Few individuals are ever permitted to meet with Oalian.


humans 35%, Khorovar / half elves 14%, shifters 14%, elves 10%, 27% other


While many look to Oalian for guidance, he is not the ruler of the city. Instead, most issues are handled communally by Greenheart’s greater population, deciding either through consensus or by having the majority population vote on the matter.   This system offers the people of Greenheart a considerable amount of autonomy in determining how the city runs. The Wardens of the Wood do not exert their authority over the common populace very often, only intervening in matters that directly harm the natural world, such as unrestricted poaching or cutting down trees that are too old or too young. Outside of these instances, the Wardens and the other druids mostly keep to their own devices.


The first line of defence Greenheart has against any outside threats is the wall of thorns that partially surrounds the city. Beyond that, the Wardens of the Wood’s militia maintains peace and order within the city, protecting from threats both within and without. Rangers and scouts wander the lands beyond the city, watching for any danger and then sending word that the city should prepare for battle. Additionally, the druidic power infused within the manifest zone helps conjure elementals or beasts to defend the city. There is also a group of treants that can be called upon should the need arise.


The Lodge Ward. Built around the largest of the towering trees, the lodge ward serves as the home base of the Wardens of the Wood and functions as the garrison where the city’s militia lives. The Lodge Ward also houses the bulk of the city’s population, arrayed in dwellings situated around the hill from which the great tree grows.   The Winter Hollow. Every city needs a place to house their dead, and it is the Winter Hollow’s purpose to oversee this aspect. The Children of Winter house themselves within this ward, operating from within the tunnels of a long-dead great tree. Funerals and burials are carried out within this ward, with the Children of Winter taking the bodies and decomposing them to become food for newer forms of life. Beneath the Winter Hollow is a vast network of tunnels that act as catacombs for those buried in open, fungi-filled alcoves that feed on the decomposing corpses. The deepest levels of the catacombs serve as the burial sites of Greenheart’s most famous druids, likely hiding all sorts of knowledge and artifacts interred alongside these ancient druids.   The Sanctuary. The smallest of the wards is left to the Ashbound, who eschew all efforts of civilization to creep into the bounds of nature. Few people come to the ward as the Ashbound are unkind to anyone that is not part of their ranks—leaving the sanctuary as the wildest of the wards and a place where animals often visit to be away from the busier parts of the city.   The Gate Tree. Maintained by the Gatekeepers, this ward is the primary home of Greenheart’s marcher population. The tree is located right on the banks of the Copper Lake, and as such, it gives off a swampy vibe similar to a village in the Shadow Marches. Because of its proximity to water, the ward acts as a docks ward with fishers venturing out onto the lake to bring back their latest catch. The Gate Tree also holds an enclave of House Tharashk, who sponsors a monster hunting guild that targets aberrations and other threats that plague the Reaches.   The Trifold Oak. The Trifold Oak is an outlier in that it isn’t occupied by a druidic tradition but is instead the home for a unique sect of the Sovereign Host known as the three faces of the wild. Members of this sect revere The Gardener (Arawai), The Hunter (Balinor), and The Devourer above the other Sovereigns. Clerics, paladins, and devotees of the Three Faces are generally accepted by the other druidic traditions (except for the Ashbound Oalian even gifted them with one of the city’s great trees. Most residents of this ward are of a faithful or clerical mindset compared to the others.   The Sylvan Pine. Located in a swatch of eldritch foliage many believe is a minor Thelanis manifest zone is a large pine tree filled with ethereal lights, ghostly songs, and many fey creatures that have crossed over from their home plane. The Sylvan Pine has become the Greensinger’s home, and the ward’s population is a mix of humanoid and fey. The presence of the fey within the manifest zone allows for the trade of unique items from back and forth across planar boundaries, turning the Sylvan Pines ward into a secondary marketplace. However, it is worth mentioning that there is great risk in buying an item from a fey merchant.   The Market Ward. The Market Ward is the area most commonly inhabited by outsiders and foreigners visiting Greenheart for the first time and is a place of operation for most of the Dragonmarked Houses. Tents and stalls are arrayed throughout this ward as merchants try to sell unique druidic baubles, casks of goodberry wine, or herbs with rare medicinal properties. House Ghallanda maintains their branch of the Golden Dragon Inn here, and House Thuranni has a theatre known as the Theatre of Arborescent Shadows. House Vadalis also maintains an enclave within this ward, but their sale of beasts and monstrosities is greatly limited by the rules of the druids that oversee them.   The Verdant Fane. Located just off the shores of the Copper Lake, the Verdant Fane is a place where druidic magic is infused into the very essence of the island. The amount of primal power here makes the island the prime location for conducting druidic rites and training gleaners. However, the island is closed off to the general, non-druidic public, enforced by guardians both humanoid and conjured who wander the shores looking for trespassers. Transgression results in the steepest punishments, whether it's a lifetime in prison or a quiet execution should you learn too much about the island’s defences. The Wardens put such drastic security measures to ensure Oalian’s safety at all costs.   Oalian himself resides in a grove at the island’s highest hill, right in what is said to be the heart of the Lammanian manifest zone. Here, the Greatpine holds council with the druidic sects, dealing with philosophical matters and guiding the druids on dealing with unnatural threats plaguing nature and civilization.
10,000 (varies greatly by season)
Owning Organization


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