Gnomes originally inhabited the Wyalds, where they became its stewards, maintaining the ecosystem created by their Wyrm ancestor. Some Gnomes eventually left the Wyalds, driven by their desire to fulfill their intellectual potential. Today, Gnomes live in small, tight-knit communities, often near places of knowledge such as ruins, libraries, or schools. Their homes are typically tucked away in locations that provide access to learning, allowing them to nurture their intellectual pursuits.
Descended from spirits that inhabited half-elven remains, Gnomes share a distant connection to the Aeldar and Nods. They resemble halflings with pointed ears, though their skin tones vary based on their environment. The Forest, Rock, and Deep Gnomes are what remains of the original species that left the Wyalds. Each sub-species has adapted to its surroundings, with Forest Gnomes blending into woodland environments, Rock Gnomes thriving in rocky terrain, and Deep Gnomes dwelling in the depths of the earth.
Gnomes, due to their emphasis on intelligence and intellectual growth, are not typically drawn to structured religious practices. However, they maintain a deep respect for the Mylen neural network and their ancestral ties to the Wyalds. Their creation of the Mylenoids, intelligent creatures designed to tend to their ancestral home, reflects their reverence for the Wyrm that originally shaped their existence. For Gnomes, knowledge and the pursuit of understanding take precedence over religious devotion.
Gnomes are characterized by their extraordinary intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Their connection to the Mylen network gave them access to advanced development, allowing them to master nearly anything they set their minds to. This focus on intellectual pursuits, however, comes at the cost of physical fragility. Gnomes are resourceful and strategic, often relying on their intellect to overcome challenges rather than physical strength. Though few in number, they are highly respected for their contributions to knowledge and magical innovation.
Gnomes resemble halflings with pointed ears, and their skin tones vary depending on their place of birth, much like their Dwarven kin. Forest Gnomes often have earth-toned skin that helps them blend into their woodland surroundings, while Rock Gnomes possess tougher, stonier skin. Deep Gnomes, living in the depths, have adapted to the darker environment with skin tones that reflect their subterranean lifestyle. Though small in stature, their presence is marked by their keen intellect and charisma.
Gnomes value knowledge and intellectual growth above all else, and their traditions revolve around the pursuit of learning. Their communities are often secluded, allowing them to focus on research and the acquisition of wisdom. Gnomes are stereotypically known for "borrowing" books, magical implements, and lab equipment, fueling the idea that they are always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. Despite their small numbers, Gnomes are highly resourceful, and their close-knit communities allow them to protect their intellectual treasures and pass down their knowledge from generation to generation.
deep gnome traveling scholar