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Order of Cyprian's Custodians

Founder: Cyprian Silverbane
  Purpose: To secure, contain, protect, and study the many beings that live or cross through the Outer Layer.
  Organization: The Custodians are organized into a beaucratic organization that catalogs and keeps numerous beings that can pose harm to the people or even the world. There is the Arcanum branch which locates and studies the beinsg, The Custodia finds and either imprisons or eliminates beings, the Ward contains and guards the beings.
  Description: The order was formed by Cyprian Silverbane after his desertion of the Bannerlords, a human supremacist group. Cyprian and his followers believed extraplanar threats were more of a concern than the non-human races to the Outer Rim than his Lord and Father Monty had him believe. Their headquarters was stationed in the Southern half of the continent of Fromata and has been a stronghold that securers, contains, protects, and, more recently, studies beings of a wide range of sentience, intelligence, and morality. Cyprian's custodians have become the forefront of banishment spells and technology, holding the Library of Doors, a place that as the ability to open a portal to any world, dimension, universe, and the spaces between them.


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