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Yumi Tough-Claw

Life: Yumi's journey began in the House of Seers, where she became the clan mother of the East, guiding her people with wisdom and compassion. Her deep sense of empathy and justice led her to reject the xenophobia of the Forebear and take in refugees, offering them sanctuary within her tribe. This act of defiance and bravery marked her path to becoming the Lordess of Care and those who seek safety.
  Ordeal: Yumi's decision to protect refugees brought significant peril to her tribe, making them targets for those who opposed her inclusive stance. Despite the constant threats and challenges, Yumi's unwavering dedication to providing safety and care to the oppressed solidified her role as a protector. Her greatest ordeal was the transformation into an armored Bear Titan, a powerful guardian of her realm, Sanctuary.
  Responsibilities: As the Lordess of Care and those who seek safety, Yumi is responsible for providing refuge and protection to those fleeing tyranny. She guards the gate to her realm, Sanctuary, ensuring that only those who truly need it can enter. Yumi's duties include maintaining the safety and secrecy of Sanctuary, a massive walled-off field with sparse forests that shift and move to conceal its inhabitants.
  Description: Yumi's corporeal form is that of an imposing armored Bear Titan, a formidable guardian who stands vigil at the entrance to Sanctuary. Her realm is a vast, ever-changing landscape designed to protect and hide those within it. Sanctuary itself has no creations; its inhabitants are those seeking refuge from oppression and danger. The entrance to Sanctuary only reveals itself to those in desperate need, making it a true haven for the persecuted. Yumi's legacy is one of compassion, bravery, and unwavering protection, embodying the spirit of care and safety for all who seek her aid.


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