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Judith Shani

Judith Shani

This is a draft, written during Spooktober
Judith was born a Werewolf before she met Rane Shani. Rane studied among the werewolves because all members of the Head Mistwalker Family are required to study among one of the other communities. Rane was attracted to the werewolves they could change their state of being, but in his haste to master shifting, he found himself accidentally changing only parts of himself at a time.   Judith became his tutor until he had mastered the ability. Judith was so good at werewolf magic that she could change into several different animals, not only a wolf. In fact, she would sometimes spend days at a time shifted into a cat or fox because, as she put it, "I prefer paws to hands." Though it couldn't be said there was romance between them, Rane proposed to Judith out of a need to preserve his family line and a hope that Judith's strong grasp of magic would be passed down to his child. When Rane decided to bring her home, she was taken, not only with the world of the seers, but with his family, particularly their unusual gift of immortality.   As time went on, Rane discovered his wife was as obsessed with his magical realm as he had been with hers. Taught from a young age that the werewolves had the duty to protect the world from evil spirits, she hoped that Rane's family could help her find the gate to the land of the dead to close it permanently. No matter how often Rane told her this was not possible, if there even was a gate, or ofr that matter a land of the dead, she focused more and more on this as time went on. After she developed early onset dementia, she could be found stalking people in her jaguar form, thinking they were spirits. In a moment of lucidity, she woefully decided to die by assisted suicide, so as not to put others at risk.


Judith Shani


Towards Rane Shani v


Rane Shani v


Towards Judith Shani


Rane Shani v (spouse)

Cover image: The Thirteen Magics of Svene by Molly Marjorie
Character Portrait image: by Artbreeder


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