Cragmaw Goblins

The Cragmaw Goblin minions are a ruthless and disorganized lot, bound together more by fear of their superiors than any sense of loyalty or camaraderie. These goblins thrive on ambushes and overwhelming their prey with numbers, often striking from hidden positions in the forests and hills around the Triboar Trail. Individually weak but cunning in packs, they prefer to catch travelers off guard, using crude traps and hit-and-run tactics. Despite their crude equipment—rusted short swords, makeshift bows, and ill-fitting leather armor—their ability to strike from the shadows makes them a constant threat to unprepared adventurers. The goblins are opportunists through and through, constantly seeking ways to earn favor with their leaders by capturing valuable targets or bringing back loot. The Cragmaws’ goblins often rely on their wolf companions to chase down prey or flee from a losing battle, and they are more than willing to sacrifice a comrade to escape danger themselves.

Within the Cragmaw Hideout, a small group of these goblins served under a particularly cruel and ambitious leader, Yeemik, who was eager to usurp the authority of Klarg. Yeemik ruled his band of goblins through a mix of intimidation and promises of power, keeping them in line by ensuring they fear him more than any external threat. At the hideout, the goblins had captured Sildar Hallwinter, a member of the Lords’ Alliance, and they held him as a valuable bargaining chip. Though they may seem disorganized and cowardly, the goblin minions of this hideout were dangerous foes in their element, driven by greed, fear, and survival.


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