Hearthstone Pendant

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This rugged, dwarven-crafted amulet is made from polished granite encased in iron, with runes symbolizing home and safety etched around its edge. It emits a soft, warm glow, like the embers of a dying fire.

While wearing this pendant, you gain the following benefits:

Leomund’s Tiny Hut:
Once per day, you can use the pendant to cast Leomund’s Tiny Hut (spell save DC 15) without needing material components. The hut appears as a solid dome of force centered on the pendant, providing shelter and safety.

Resilience of the Hearth:
You have advantage on saving throws made against effects that would deal cold damage or conditions related to extreme cold environments, as the warmth of the pendant shields you.


An individual must spend a short rest focusing on the pendant, allowing its warming energy to sync with their own life force, to attune to it.

This item was aquired in trade with Bruni Grumblehelm in exchange for a rare bottle of Starlight Veritas.

The Hearthstone Pendant is currently attuned to Electra DelSol.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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