Feral Fridays 2023 | Diamond-Minded Communications

Sorry it's hard to talk when I'm foaming at the mouth.   I can't help it, these articles are just so delicious!
  We, as writers, sure are familiar with the world of communication. We sort of do it all the time! But how often do we think about communication in our worlds, I wonder?   SummerCamp gave us a golden (or, I suppose, diamond?) opportunity to explore that subject with a fine selection of prompts, and so I present to you a fine selection of articles responding to them!   Can you believe this is the last Feral Friday of the season? My, how time flies!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Sword Maiden
by CrazyEddie
How can one resist a woman in armor? I certainly can't. This article gives us an in depth look at some of the badass ladies of Koria, and the way they come to take up this mantle.  
Sword Maiden
Organization | Jul 15, 2024
Threebl's Inspiration
by Moonlight Bard
Superstitious as sailors are, it's always a delight to hear about the sillier stories of hijinks on the seas. What better way to ward off attackers than with spooky ghoooooosts?  
Threebl's Inspiration
Vehicle | Feb 27, 2024
by MelissaPlaysRPGs
Common forms of communication can sometimes come with major drawbacks, especially when they can be exploited by darker forces. These mirrors may be banned, but they're not all gone...  
Language | Dec 19, 2023

Phantom Touch
by DreamCartographer
Communication through touch is interesting on its own, but seeing all of the ways one can tweak and customize this message sending method is really cool! Give me one of those tattoos!  
Phantom Touch
Language | Jul 27, 2023
by ThatMomFriend
Do the spirits in your world sometimes stick around a while, maybe picking the living as buddies? As it turns out, people in different realms have different opinions about what that means!  
Condition | Aug 1, 2023
by Quisi
Psionic abilities and their curiosities, and the interesting ways their absence manifests itself in this world! It's always fun to see those who lack special abilities, being immune to them as well.  
Condition | Jul 28, 2023

Mirrorhead Trout
by Stormbril
How could Stormbril give me these creatures, only to tell me that their numbers are dwindling? Another delightful display of CSS shenanigans, with buttons I could play with for hours!  
Mirrorhead Trout
Species | Aug 1, 2023

A species of fish found within River Artazia, known to communicate things such as warning of danger, attracting prey, or for finding potential mates all through the use of their incredibly reflective scales and an intricate series of movements.

Miss Royenne
by AmélieIS
Have you ever read worldbuilding in the style of a tabloid magazine? It's amazing what you can learn about a world from something as simple as a fashion and lifestyle critique!  
Miss Royenne
Character | Jan 19, 2024

Miss Royenne is the most eligible party in Nélannie! Always simple & demure, with a witty repartee ready, setting all trends & making envious, yet even without participating in politics herself she cannot be rid of the shadow cast by her Dark family.

Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World
by eccbooks
Such a sweet tradition, to honor the tier list pulled from the journal of a beloved life lost, no matter how much time passes, or how many new monuments rise across the world.  
Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World
Document | Dec 21, 2023

The “Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World” is a list of notable Edenian structures and natural features compiled by Lüe the Mapmaker in The First Age.

Glamorous Peafowl
by Mochimanoban
Reading this article was like looking into a mirror in a way! I, too, go AAAAAAAAAAAAA when I am stressed. I certainly did, during the final moments of SummerCamp! What lovely creatures!  
Glamorous Peafowl
Species | Jun 20, 2024

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA says every glamorous peafowl in the mornings.

The Lords Calling
by Ninodonlord
Creating worlds means sometimes facing the heartbreak of the people within them, and this article dives into a scene that paints one such experience, with the dreaded knock at the door.  
The Lords Calling
Document | Aug 18, 2023

War is hard on a leader everywhere, but in Jadira the hardship begins earlier than you may think.

Mr. Shadow
by kitoypoy
This article leaves me with so many delightful questions, all spawning from intrigue! Such an enigmatic character, with such a fun involvement in the game table! Karaoke night!  
Mr. Shadow
Character | Jul 5, 2024

A permanent guest at Lola's Comfy Kitchen, Mr. Shadow is a well known karaoke singer and raconteur. That's it. Really. That's all there is to him.

Tio Patchfur
by StaticStar1
Beings of pure chaos and destruction come in so many forms, but I wasn't expecting tomato! He's sweeter than he seems, such a shame he simply doesn't know better!  
Tio Patchfur
Character | Jul 30, 2023

Rotating ball of destruction, appetite and disruption. Prepare yourselves.

The Lucky Ducky Letter Exchange
by drunkenpanda951
In the wise words of Tillerz: "Ducks for the win :)" — This delightful communication network made for a wonderful read, and I only wish I could have a parade of duckies delivering my mail.  
The Lucky Ducky Letter Exchange
Technology / Science | Jul 23, 2023
Nisora United
by Those2Nerds
In this house, we stand in solidarity with unions! A shame this one seems to have suffered so many setbacks. Will they recover? What comes next? And who are the Gal Pals?!  
Nisora United
Organization | Jun 8, 2024

A workers' rights union struggling to gain hold in Galendra.

Cassius Roman
by Kat Chiron
True mystery in a character adds so many questions to the mind. Who is this man, and what does he really want? What is his weakness? So many great questions to build with.  
Cassius Roman
Character | Jun 15, 2024
Dragon Sun Library
by CrazyEddie
Hey! Another article from Eddie! We simply had to feature this one, as it meant that we'd have coverage of every prompt from the wave in this week's showcase! Take care of those books.  
Dragon Sun Library
Building / Landmark | Dec 17, 2023

See you next time!
Thank you for all of the wonderful articles you sent in over the course of SummerCamp! From Copper to Diamond, Feral Fridays was able to showcase over 60 articles! That's pretty awesome! Will there be more next year? Who knows! But the Feral returns to hibernation at the close of Camping season.   Enjoy your reading challenges, and I look forward to seeing your future articles!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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