Feral Fridays 2023 | Silver-Lined Frontiers

There are so many places to explore, and this feral energy has me vibrating so violently I could power any and every vessel that can take me to the places I aim to go. And even some places I don't aim to go. I don't have a plan here.
  Welcome back for another Feral Friday showcase! This time we've delved into the frontiers of the Silver prompt wave, and boy did the community deliver with their submissions! What a delight it was to learn more about different worlds' intrepid explorers, mysterious lands, and many dangers!   Please enjoy the fifteen articles we were able to read this week! Give them all some much-deserved love!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Asteroid Belt
by nnie
Interstellar oceans of immense proportions are nothing short of incredible, and nnie has given us a new place we're itching to explore. I know I'm not the only one eager to visit the Collision Course!  
Asteroid Belt
Geographic Location | Sep 2, 2024

The Asteroid Belt is a hotly contested territory and a unique ecosystem. It is home to the majority of the known cosmic wildlife.

Heaven's Hand
by Serukis
A beautifully tragic article about truths lost to time, in heartbreaking circumstances. I'm so impressed by Serukis's ability to worldbuild through the artful craft of such well-written blows to the heart.  
Heaven's Hand
Settlement | Dec 17, 2023

An anomaly in the night sky.

by CrazyEddie
There is a lot of danger in uncovering information, and the frontiers of knowledge are ever perilous to push. A profession with boundless opportunity. Which career path would you choose? I think I'd go for Relic Master, myself...  
Profession | Mar 23, 2024

Razortooth Giant
by Ninodonlord
All throughout history, humans have made choices that came with terrible consequences. Creating a solution to a threat, that then becomes the greater threat? Hilarious, and always a delight to read.  
Razortooth Giant
Species | Aug 18, 2023

Once a fearsome race bred for the war against dragons. All that remains are their pacifist cousins that seek solitude and a simple life

Ada Lynx
by Vazdimet
Being the victim of grief is hard, especially when that grief is largely someone else's. I love seeing a character break free of the chains put on them, and move on to live their life on their own terms.  
Ada Lynx
Character | Jul 13, 2023

Never one to run from adventure, Ada's quest for self fulfillment eventually brought her to the wilds of Janikk, where her botanical exploration has resulted in countless discoveries and saved many lives.

Annias Isa-Awad
by Nimsy
Not all is kind in the world, and dark hearts brew in all settings. This is an incredible deep-dive into a prolific killer, covering not only what they've done, but exploring the mind behind the acts.  
Annias Isa-Awad
Character | Jul 22, 2024

A prolific serial-killer with that received the monikers 'the thief of a thousand faces' and 'the elsevale ghoul' on Beckinsal.

Evangeline Firewhisper
by JudasBrennan
I'm enamored by this trailblazing explorer, who followed her wanderlust and made great strides, despite the narrow views of others. The legacy she has left is one that we could all aspire to.  
Evangeline Firewhisper
Character | Jul 13, 2023
Rastus, the Explorer
by MelissaPlaysRPGs
A tale of drama and troubling circumstances, all about a little gnome of the wood! I loved following this tale, and there are so many little mentions I wish to learn more about in this article!  
Rastus, The Explorer
Character | Feb 12, 2024
Hamerber Dreadlok
by tlcassis
This beautifully written narrative tells you so much about who this character is, and about the dangers of the world around him. I'm left so intrigued by this land beyond, the the magics within.  
Hamerber Dreadlok
Character | Jul 8, 2024

Grandpa, Grandpa! Tell me the story of Hamerber Dreadlok and how you traveled the Northern Wastes together!

Candied Magic
by AmélieIS
Amé always includes such lovely layout and css tricks to display information, on top of the excellent ideas within the article. Mana potions, in candy form? What could go wrong?  
Candied magic
Tradition / Ritual | Mar 17, 2024

A candy enriched in metal atoms that bind magic. Initially developped by the army to quickly replenish soldiers' magical reserve during battles, now used by the wealthy during parties. The euphoria and mild addiction they trigger cause slots of problems.

The delightful Model Village of Super Evil Castle Place
by TheDumbOwl
I'll admit, sometimes us worldbuilders take ourselves too seriously. Owl, however, has created a world that turns the expectations of fantasy on their heads for a delightful read from start to finish!  
The delightful Model Village of Super Evil Castle Place
Building / Landmark | Jul 14, 2023

It's pure, unmatched terror! Scaled for your enjoyment.

Library of Eons
by ThatMomFriend
Magical libraries are a wonderfully fantastic addition to any world, especially when they're enigmatic places defying all manner of physics in its expansion. Can I come study here?  
Library of Eons
Building / Landmark | Oct 4, 2023

The Library of Eons lies deep within the mountain Protevousa surrounds, an ever-twisting series of chambers, rooms, and stairwells sprawling across more floors than most will ever explore in their lifespans.

Red Feather Monument
by Kitoypoy
Giving a whole new meaning to, "bringing art to life," Kitoypoy brings us a stunning monument with an impactful history commemorating the lost, and guiding the present. Plus, amazing artwork!  
Red Feather Monument
Building / Landmark | Jul 19, 2023

The enormous statue in honor of the fallen Red Feather Battlemancers depicts a winged woman with six arms brandishing a sword in each hand. She animates and floats in silent judgment over the Red Feather Tournament.

Dear Helen
by Stormbril
If feats of CSS are what you seek, look no further. Stormbril always finds new ways to not only impress me with his expressive writing, but the amazing design of his world and works.  
Dear Helen
Document | Jan 3, 2024

A dusty letter found in an abandoned apartment; its recipient missing for months. The letter was from Dr. Anabelle Evingston, high ranking Legion member, sent to her friend Helen before her mysterious disappearance.

Luari Ocean
by Hanhula
Looking for a trip UNDER DA SEA? This stunning article will take you to incredible depths and show you some horrors you wish you didn't see! Too late, though. They already saw you.  
Luari Ocean
Geographic Location | Jan 15, 2024

Istralar's largest ocean, stretching from Xin Jiyu and Takawaoku to Iskaldhal and Kudara.

Sizzling Sarimsoq Shenanigans
by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
Articles about cuisine just have a way of enticing you, and I can't think of anything more enticing than the smell of garlic cooking... I'm going to have to try these recipes for real.  
Sizzling Sarimsoq Shenanigans
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 20, 2023

A delicious cuisine of an ingredient with multiple ways of preserving it!

Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Gold submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 10am EST on Friday, July 21th! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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Jul 15, 2023 09:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you for such a great stream <3

Jul 15, 2023 15:39 by Polina "Line" Arteev

Thanks for the lovely submission!! I really need to read more of your work when I have a quiet moment ❤

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 15, 2023 11:48 by Chris L

Thanks for the read through yesterday!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jul 15, 2023 15:40 by Polina "Line" Arteev

Your article was so cool! I'm glad I got to read one of yours and share it with more people :) Thanks for sending one and tuning in ❤

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
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