Feral Fridays 2023 | The Power of Copper

Power comes in a great many forms, and I'm here to munch and crunch on all of the wonderful ways our community has decided to interpret the theme!
  Our very first Feral Fridays showcase brings you a collection of Copper-wave prompt responses submitted by the community! Tune in Fridays during SummerCamp for more article readings, and submit your own for the feral festivities!   These articles ranged from thought-provoking to downright hysterical, and I admire the community's ability to produce such a range from the same collections of prompts!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

by CrazyEddie
Some materials fuel things you wouldn't expect... like war? Whether chocolate is your joy or your paycheck, you can't deny it's a powerful thing. Loving this chocolate SummerCamp theme, so you know I'll be watching this saga unfold.  
Material | Mar 23, 2024
by Catoblepon
A settlement that is half terrestrial and half aquatic, and a home to sirens! The demographics wheels are beautiful, and it's interesting to see smaller settlements that belong to specific groups.  
Settlement | Jun 5, 2024

A town in Vagrigh that is the base of operations of the Gatherers of the Past

by Ninodonlord
It always intrigues me to see materials (and other things) that people believe to be far less powerful than they truly are — especially when they end up finding out how wrong they are later on.  
Material | Aug 1, 2023

Learn more about the mysterious Leik, that powers all the magic the great city of Dorralia offers.

Shadow Imp
by KajetanWrites
This article intrigued me for the way it introduced creatures of similar origin, but pointed out that these imps are quite different on a physical level. I'm so curious to know how or why this happened!  
Shadow Imp
Species | Jul 2, 2023

A mischievous shadow creature

by Theiket
This article enchanted me in so many ways, from the poetic and descriptive writing, to the very notion of this delicate creature holding power in this world. A delight of a read!  
Species | Jul 2, 2023
Mothiric 'Sunshadow' Hawk
by Quisi
I went from being enamored by the idea of birds with moth wings, to horrified by the size of this creature. They say it's extinct, but can we really be sure? Lots of great things can come from this!  
Mothiric 'Sunshadow' Hawk
Species | Jul 6, 2023

Growing Unrest In Central Tilth
by Moonlight Bard
We love to see a power struggle between the establishment and the common man, but we also LOVE to see the creative bits of propaganda that can spawn from such conflicts. Devour the Truth!  
Growing Unrest In Central Tilth
Military Conflict | Oct 21, 2023
Dryskhell Thorgeans
by ecl1psed
Boasting a brutal origin and history, it's always intriguing to see cultures with a naming system which seems to predetermine your worth in society. A mold meant to be broken?  
Dryskhell Thorgeans
Ethnicity | Jul 5, 2023
Weird and Magik
by oaster2000
The longest read of the night, but an interesting one all the way through! It's so fun to read an in-world perspective on the forces that be, and the uncertainty that comes with such narrators.  
Weird and Magik
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 27, 2023

Strange and powerful forces that exist in the realm and how they came to arrive here.

by FirelDakuraito
This article features a currency system I found fascinating, and I would love to learn even more about this system! I appreciate the mentions of how this currency was perceived by different groups.  
Organization | Jul 5, 2023

Organized Refiners who schedule their work in order to fairly distribute the availability of Raiders.

How are you still alive
by Those2Nerds
This article coined one of my favorite things I've ever heard a creature called: empty-headed confetti weasels. These creatures are endlessly endearing; not even I am immune to their charm.  
How are you still alive
Species | Jun 8, 2024

A genetically modified platypus inexplicably thriving.

Epson Quills
by drunkenpanda951
This article is a genius and humorous example of transforming the real-world quirks of technology into something fantastical. I loved getting to know these "creatures," and how problematic their reproductive tendencies can be!  
Epson Quills
Species | Jul 2, 2023

Bog Frog
by Alishahr
I don't encounter a ton of articles that make me laugh at nearly every turn, but this PSA against bog frogs really had me going, as this speaker is SO opinionated about these creatures!  
Bog Frog
Species | Jul 31, 2024

Meet the bog frog, a divisive invasive species that's become a cultural cornerstone

Find The Rainbow In The River
by Nimsy
This is such a lovely tradition, that I only wish I could see some images of! Displaying artwork is already a wonderful thing, but filling a river with beautiful creations is a wonder!  
Find The Rainbow In The River
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 21, 2023

An annual art exhibit at the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís.

Champions of the Dawn
by Strixxline
My own article, that I'd only submitted earlier that day! First of my SummerCamp entries, I finally begin talking about the gods of my world, a plan I've had for months.  
Champions of the Dawn
Organization | Mar 20, 2024

The pantheon which once walked Malkora as mortal champions of the gods.

Traditional Tea
by George Sanders
Every article I read from George is simply beautiful in the way it is written, and the imagery evoked throughout. Such beautiful storytelling makes me wish I was out having some tea myself.  
Traditional Tea
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

Four legs of a table scaffolded themselves up, then reached across to create a table. A raised image of a willow tree grew across the table's surface. Two chairs performed the same dance. Plates, cups, and a pitcher followed. Two forks, a knife, and...

The Eternal Fire
by EBelt
There are many powers over which wars are fought. This one, however, inspired battles in which there were no victors. Sometimes guiding lights are just tragedies waiting to happen.  
The Eternal Flame
Material | Aug 29, 2023

Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Silver submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 10am EST on Friday, July 14th! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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Jul 9, 2023 08:38

Holy moly, I knew thered be many more articles after i went to sleep, but you really knocked it out of the park! Looking forward to the silver prompts :)

Yours truly, Nino.
Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
To learn about my main world click on this link! (if you want to ;) )
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