The Pelexat Galaxy Geographic Location in The Pelexat Galaxy | World Anvil
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The Pelexat Galaxy


The Pelexat Galaxy is the only life-sustaining galaxy (that the Kepek and their neighbours are aware of). It is 100,000 Lightyears across and is being strongly influenced by a smaller elliptical galaxy that is passing by it. The smaller galaxy, known as the Tupik galaxy, is technically its own separate galaxy, but as it is moving so slowly, and Pelexat has stripped it of most of its stars at this point anyway, that many of Pelexat's inhabitants consider it a part of the Pelexat Galaxy (hence why it is included in the Standardised map, and in the statement about Pelexat being the only life-sustaining galaxy).  

Galactic Coordinates and Navigation

As everything in space is in constant motion, many creatures in Pelexat use the galaxy itself as a reference point - specifically, the supermassive black hole at the galactic centre. Pelexat navigational coordinates use the supermassive black hole as the centre point. Galactic North is defined as moving towards the centre, whereas Galactic South is defined as moving away, towards (or further into) The Void. Galactic East and West are measured in degrees (0-180°). Galactic West is the side of the galaxy closest to the Tupik Galaxy, the smaller galaxy that is being absorbed into Pelexat, and Galactic east is simply the side away from Tupik. And finally, most coordinates also include an elevation value, which describes how far above or below the galactic disk is.   A typical set of galactic coordinates usually looks something like the following: 230S, 150°GE, -10EL   The first value indicates that this location is 230 Lightyears away from the Galactic Core ("S" meaning "south of"). The second Value says of far east or west the location is, this is located at 150° Galactic East. The final value tells you the elevation, this location is 10 lightyears below the the galactic disk (EL meaning elevation).   Some Galactic maps will also show the galaxy divided into 3 rings, the Galactic Core, The Middle Ring and the Outer Ring. This is just to help divide the galaxy into more easily measured and monitored segments.  
The Galactic map


  • The Galactic map
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species
100,000 Lightyears

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