Perils & Conditions
Exploration comes with risks beyond those of the monsters trying to eat you. As a hero, you may expect to face dangerous terrain that must be crossed, traps that must be overcome, and strange environs that must be survived. Some of the perils you may face and the conditions they may afflict are described here.Blindness
Blindness represents an inability to visually perceive. While blind, you suffer the following effects.Cover
When a barrier exists between you and something you intend to interact with, the target of your interaction has cover. If only half or more of the target is blocked from your interaction, it has cover. For example, a knight looking out a castle window would have cover from your longbow attack. If all of your target is behind a barrier, it has total cover. A street urchin that has stepped inside a shop and closed the door behind him has total cover from your pickpocket attempt.Concealment
If a visibility issue exists between you and something you intend to interact with, the target of your interaction has concealment. Concealment often occurs in areas of dim light or fog. In example, a vampire on the other side of a mist-cloaked graveyard would have concealment. If some effect blocks visibility altogether, your target has total concealment. A hippogriff flying on the far side of a smoke plume from a massive tavern fire has total concealment.Dazed
When a trauma sets your head spinning, you are dazed. If you are dazed, you cannot act if it is not your turn and can only do one thing on your turn— either move, take an action, or do one thing as part of your turn, such as dropping your sword.Deafness
When something prevents you from being able to hear, you are deafened. While deafened, you suffer from the following effects.Enraged
Certain features, magical effects, poisons, and diseases are capable of driving you into a mindless rage. When you become enraged, something in you snaps and you are consumed by reckless ferocity. Enraged conditions usually end if you fall unconscious. While enraged, you experience the following effects.Falling
Adventuring through forgotten catacombs, up mountain passes, or into crumbling ruins often carries the risk of a fall. When you fall onto an unforgiving surface, you take 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for each 10’ you fall. If suffer damage in a fall, you are left prone.Fatigue
Sustaining taxing activities for long periods can be draining, as can exposure to the elements and lack of food, water, or sleep.If you undergo intense activity such as sprinting or swimming in a storm for a number of rounds exceeding your Constitution score, your DM may ask you to make a Constitution/Wisdom (Endurance) check. On a critical success, you automatically succeed on your next fatigue check. On a major, you gain a +1 rank bonus on your next fatigue check. On a limited, you suffer fatigue but gain a +1 rank bonus on your next fatigue check. On a critical failure, you suffer two fatigue stacks. Fatigue from exertion ends after getting a good night's rest.
If you are exposed to adverse elements or do not eat or rest for a day, at the start of the next day (unless you eat, rest, or fully escape those elements) you must make a fatigue check. If you go without water for a day (or half a day in adverse elements), you automatically suffer fatigue. Fatigue from hunger, elements, or dehydration can only be relieved by appropriately countering the effect.
In dire situations, you may find yourself, completely immobilized, paralyzed, or even unconscious. While helpless, you suffer the following effects.Higher Ground
Whenever you find yourself interacting with a creature from an elevation of half their height or higher, you gain a +1 rank bonus on attacks and defenses, except with Trip attempts.Invisibility
Certain spells and supernatural abilities can render a creature or object invisible. When interacting with something invisible, you consider yourself blind to it.Muteness
When you are gagged, under the effects of a silence spell, or otherwise rendered unable voiceless, you are mute. While mute, you suffer the following effects.Paralysis
Certain creatures, poisons, and spells are capable of inflicting paralysis. While paralyzed, you suffer the following effects.Polymorphed
When a powerful magic effect alters your body to the physical form of another creature, you are polymorphed. When polymorphed, you experience the following effects.Prone
Sometimes a slip, fall, attack, or dive out of the way of danger will leave you prone. When you are prone, you are not standing and experience the following effects.Silenced
Certain spells and powers are capable of rendering you unable to make a sound. While silenced, you experience the following effects.Slowed
Certain poisons, spells, and arrows to the knee can make it difficult to move. While slowed, you halve your speed for all movement forms you possess except teleportation.Stunned
Sometimes an attack, spell, or revelation will cause you enough trauma to leave you stunned. While stunned, you suffer the following effects.Suffocating
A danger of swimming, entering areas without a breathable atmosphere, or contests involving holding your breath, is suffocation. While engaged in any physical activity, you can go without breathing a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score. At the end of every round after that point, you must succeed on a Constitution/Wisdom (Endurance) check or lose a hero's surge. On a critical success, you automatically succeed on your next suffocation check. On a major, you gain a +1 rank bonus on your next suffocation check. On a limited, you suffer fatigue but gain a +1 rank bonus on your next suffocation check. On a critical failure, you lose two hero's surges.If you are not physically active while unable to breathe, you can last twice as many rounds before facing suffocation, and only need to make a check at the end of every other round after that point.