
The Warlock

LevelBenefitHero’s SurgesTitle
1Warlock Features, Cursed Strike, Eldritch Knowledge, Eldritch Might, Pact, Spellcasting4Servitor
2Drawn to Power/Weakness, Eldritch Gift, Pact Magicks5
3Eldritch Covenant, Pact Sign5Occultist
6Eldritch Covenant Feature7Zealot
8Eldritch Covenant Feature8Heretic
LEVEL 2 Warlock
Drawn to Power/Weakness
When a creature you can see within 30' scores a critical hit, you can allow yourself to be pulled 5' toward it or the creature it critically hit.
Eldritch Gift
Your dedication to your patron earns you power. Choose one of the following options.
Eldritch Magick: You add your Charisma modifier to damage and hit points affected with Arcane Magic.
Eldritch Strike: Once per turn when you hit with a weapon attack, you can forgo adding any ability modifier to the attack's damage to deliver your Eldritch Blast's damage die and effect.
Pact Magicks
You gain access to your patron's pact spells. You can cast each spell you meet the required level of once per day.
Boon Option: Once per day, you can recast one pact spell.
LEVEL 3 Warlock
Eldritch Covenant
At level 3, you have proven worthy of your patron's greater secrets. Choose your Eldritch Covenant.
Pact Sign
Double your Reknown amongst those who serve or served your eldritch patron


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