
Armaris is the Porphyrion Nebulas leading Mining and Mineral harvesting corporation. While they don't have a direct interest in the power struggle that chokes the galaxy, they, along with the Mercantile organization Prozpar, are protected by the Moseley Accords. The act was put into place when, in the crossfire of a battle involving the 3 main players in the war for the start (The Conglomerate, The Defiance and the Frontier Buccaneers), a Merchant delivering medicines to Chimera IV was shot down by each group unanimously under the misapprehension they were delivering arms to the others. The Merchant, whose name was Donham Moseley, was in no way part of or interested in the war and the medicines they were delivering would have saved an estimated 4,300 lives who were suffering from an infection caused by a breakout in a gaseous fissure that infected roughly 21,000 people.
  Armaris operates all across the galaxy, with outposts across the Nebula. Their main unit is the Crosswatch, a facility that is built around the Canhoran Star and harnesses its heat to sustain their equipment and also smelt raw minerals into other workable materials for dispersion across the galaxy to the 5 Manufacturers of Mech frames and also to The Ark and the planets within the Nebula to be used in all manner of construction.


Armaris benefits not only from the facility of the Crosswatch itself but also from the Canhoran Star from which it is constructed to harness the power of. As well as quite possible the largest fleet of freighters in the galaxy, Armaris has all the tools at its disposal to see that its work is completed safely yet expediently.

Breaking ground for gruond breaking advancements

Corporation, Mining/Resources
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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