The Ark

The Ark (also known as "Ark Station" or "Motherbase" exclusively to the Conglomerate) was an vast and sprawling space station that served as the home and base of operation to the Conglomerate.    The entire station is governed by the Commander of the Conglomerate and their Generals. The Commander is appointed by vote of a special council made up of current Generals and any still living former Commanders. Under the Commander is the Ark Guard who were the main security and law enforcement force on the base itself, a special force made up of the most skilled Peacekeepers within the Conglomerate's ranks. The Guard is led by high-ranking Guardsmen, the Alpha Warden, who resides in a penthouse like quadrant that offers as both home and office.


The Ark is further broken down into a number of substations that facilitate the livelihood of those that live aboard.   
  • The Control & Science Station (Co-Sci for short) is the large primary station of the Ark. It acts as the core location of the key command and operations section of the Ark and is also rumoured to be where the Ark's nuclear reactor is held. Ark Station Medical (Med Bay) and the Planet Monitoring Station is also located in Co-Sci.
  • Tesla Station is the formal name for Power Station.
  • The Agriculture Station, more commonly referred to as Agro Station, is where edible plants, fruits and vegetations are grown to sustain the inhabitants of the Ark. It is also where Med Bay grows its medicinal herbs, and some personnel use this station to brew moonshine. Linked to Agro Station is Hydra Station, often pronounced Hydro Station which serve as the reclamation, purification and treatment of water for the Ark.
  • The Ark's mechanical facilities were located in Mecha Station which manufactured items needed by the Ark from recycled materials and/or broken components. This is also home to a number of printers for use in building Mech Frames and repairing the Ark's systems.
  • Prison Station is also known as the Sky Box and Lockup. It is the station that contained any prisoners detained internally and any external prisoners brought in to be held in the Star Cells before trial planetside.
Alternative Name(s)
Ark Station, Motherbase
Averaging 280,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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