The Conglomerate

The Conglomerate serve as the defacto peacekeepers of the galaxy. When once they would uphold the standards of the law and protect the integrity of justice across the nebula, they now rule with what many consider to be an iron fist. Imposing new laws on its citizens in what feels like daily attacks on their freedoms, the Conglomerate believe that what they are doing is necessary for the survival of the Porphyrion Nebula and its people. They believe that their actions are ultimately for the greater good and in most cases what they do does not directly bring detriment to the people they swore to protect, but many feel that their movements to bring about the desired peace are tyrannical.


The Conglomerate acts in a militaristic hierarchy, with the Commander at the helm leading the organization. The Commander appoints Wardens who look over a designation of planets, moons and the like. They are given command of a patrol vessel and a its crew of roughly 37,085 Officers and Enlisted Personnel and 9,700 Peacekeepers. These vessels, Scythes, are huge ships that patrol the quadrants of the Porphyrion Nebula to keep it safe from external threats and indeed itself.


The Scythes are by far one of the most identifiable and imposing assets at the Conglomerate's disposal. Capable of housing almost 47,000 people and with armaments of phenomenal power, these ships are considered a force to avoid at all costs as there are few instances of them ever being defeated in combat.

One Galaxy, One People

Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Police, Peackeepers,
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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