The Defiance

The Defiance are a group that refuse to bow to any other power or be seen as subservient to anyone but themselves. Originally an offshoot of militant forces within the Conglomerate who were unhappy with the way in which the law was being enforced, the Defiance has grown into a sizeable militia of self-proclaimed freedom fighters. What they lack in numbers comparted to organizations like the Conglomerate, they make up for in anonymity. With black sites across the galaxy, it is unknown where their base of operation lies or even where strongholds lay, meaning enemy factions are unable to remove their foothold in this war of stars.


The peoples that join arms with the Defiance come from all different wakes of life withing the Porphyrion Nebula, with some individuals even joining the cause on their travels from other worlds. The Defiance stands to hold The Conglomerate accountable for the way in which they enforce and create the laws that govern life in the galaxy. When protests and more civil action didn't change the tides, they resorted to more militant means and have now grown into a power to be reckoned with.


The Defiance have a number of talented engineers and scrappers who help source the wares that keep them running. From wrecked ships on the sea of stars, to scavenging resources like Mechs and Weapons from the battlefield, the Defiance keeps itself stocked in a rather green way. Additionally, the Defiance owns a host of black sites across the galaxy to act as safehouses, bases of operations and storehouses for their gear and provisions. The Conglomerate often tries to identify and weed out these dens but with the help of more tech minded individuals within the Defiance, locating these bases is an almost imopssible feat.

Hear our Voice

Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Ruling Organization


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