Colton "Colt" Yearwood Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Colton "Colt" Yearwood

A young bookbinder in service
to the lorekeepers of Arcantryl

Colton Yearwood serves as a devoted bookbinder at the prestigious Temple of the Seven Stars, directly under the guidance of Kelda of the Seven-Stars, the Grand Magus of Arcantryl. His role places him at the heart of Eastdale's most significant repository of magical and arcane knowledge. Amidst shelves that stretch like the night sky, under a dome painted with constellations, Colton binds and restores texts that encompass the breadth of the universe's secrets.

Appearance and Character

Of medium build, with an unassuming presence that belies the depth of his conviction. His hands, always stained with ink and glue, work tirelessly to preserve the wisdom enshrined within the temple's walls. His attire, though simple, carries the subtle mark of Arcantryl—a star within a star—signifying his dedication to the goddess of magic.  

Beliefs and Conflicts

Colton's reverence for knowledge and the magical arts contrasts sharply with his disdain for the Red Laws and the Church of St. Ygg's restrictive oversight. He sees these laws as an affront to Arcantryl's principle that knowledge of the universe should be pursued and shared freely. This internal conflict fuels Colton's quiet rebellion, as he seeks to circumvent the church's censorship and spread arcane knowledge to those who yearn for it.  

Role in the Temple

Under Kelda's tutelage, Colton has grown from a mere bookbinder to a guardian of knowledge. His meticulous work ensures that the temple's library remains a beacon for scholars and mages alike, including the notable wizard Muirron. Colton's interactions with Muirron have further inspired him, showing the practical application and importance of the knowledge he helps preserve.  

Quiet Rebellion

In secret, Colton undertakes the dangerous task of copying forbidden texts, distributing them to a trusted network of magic-users and scholars who oppose the Red Laws' censorship. These acts of defiance are carried out with utmost caution, as discovery would not only jeopardize his position but also bring him into direct conflict with the church's authorities.  


Colton dreams of a future where the flow of arcane knowledge is unimpeded by dogmatic restrictions. He hopes to one day see the Red Laws abolished, allowing Arcantryl's wisdom to illuminate the darkest corners of the world. Until then, he continues his work within the Temple of the Seven Stars, a steadfast believer in the power and importance of the magical energies that bind the cosmos.


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