Session 43 - Through the Mud Report in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Session 43 - Through the Mud

General Summary

The Gauntlet continues;
Morning on 6th of Konelia (Blooming Month) Wind day
Our journey continues with (2) carts, (6) donkeys, and (8) Villagers.
Expedition supplies; (2) oil flasks, (14) torches remain.
  In the previous evenings events; the The Willowman was summoned to Olwenna Mossveil's camp. In that moment nearly half of the caravan scattered into the Darkwood Forest in pure uncontrolled fear.
Members of the party set out at first light in attempt to find those who may still be nearby.

Ahead lies the most dangerous and difficult run of the gauntlet, where the road narrows to a single lane of several inch thick mud. Will Olwenna's blessing be enough to protect them before the sun sets?
Session end: End of travel on the 7th of Konelia, Forest Day. Just before making a camp in HEX - 0514

Rewards Granted

  • Experience (0XP)
  • Shroud of the Forest - (one time use item)
  • Call for Aid - Letter
  • Silvanus key - Verdant Vault Access

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with


Locations Discovered

Sir Al'dred the Verdant - Guardian of the Green, Champion of the Crypt

Wraith Mound Hills

A letter Found on the gauntlet road

A Call for Aid - Westkeep's Request
Honored Mordicar the Justhand, Prelate of The Church of St. Ygg in Middenmark,  
In these times of hardship, I, Endra, servant of St. Ygg and guardian of Westkeep, reach out with a plea for aid. Our village, nestled in the shadows of the Moon Peak Mountains and the edge of the Darkwood Forest, has long stood as a beacon of faith and resilience. Yet, we find ourselves facing a threat that may well surpass our capacity to endure alone.   The winter just passed was one of the harshest in memory, leaving our larders nearly empty and our people weakened. In the wake of this brutal season, we have witnessed unsettling movements within the Moon Peak Mountains. Reports from our scouts speak of a large gathering of Neanderthal barbarians, a people driven by desperation and the stark choice to conquer or perish. It is our belief that an attack is imminent, one that seeks to exploit our moment of vulnerability.   Thus, we call upon the might and mercy of The Church of St. Ygg. We request immediate assistance in the form of supplies to replenish our diminished stores and reinforcements to bolster our defenses. Without such aid, Westkeep may not withstand the coming storm.   In service of this plea, we have dispatched a group of our newest recruits to the church, each bearing the light of St. Ygg within their hearts. Led by the brave and devout Sir Eldan, these five souls: Aelwyn the Scholar, Borin the Steadfast, Celia the Compassionate, Derrin the Quick, and Eira the Hopeful, carry with them not only this message but the very spirit of our community.   They are young, yet their determination and faith are unwavering. We entrust them to your guidance, hopeful that they may learn from your wisdom and, in turn, bring much-needed succor back to Westkeep.
  May St. Ygg watch over them on their journey, and may His wisdom guide your hand in our hour of need. With utmost faith, Endra Keeper of the Westkeep Watchtower
Report Date
30 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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