Cravos Blackburn Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Cravos Blackburn

Proprietor of The Saucy Tart


Blackburn is a stout, broad-shouldered man in his late forties. He has a ruddy complexion from years spent near the warm hearth of his tavern. His hands are calloused from handling kegs, barrels, and the occasional unruly patron. A tangled mane of greying hair falls just above his shoulders, and a scruffy beard, peppered with white, covers most of his square jaw. Deep-set hazel eyes observe everything in his establishment with a hawkish precision, but they often glimmer with warmth and humor. Attire: Blackburn usually dons a worn, brown leather apron over simple, earth-toned clothes. Around his waist, a leather pouch can be seen, where he keeps the gold coins patrons pay him for information. On his left wrist, he sports a braided bracelet, a gift from his daughter who passed away a few years ago.  


Though he is generally affable and jovial, a fire ignites in Blackburn's eyes at the first hint of a fight in his establishment. He values the reputation of The Saucy Tart and won't tolerate disruptions. However, if patrons are respectful and look like they can pay, he's more than willing to listen and share what he knows.  


Before becoming the owner of The Saucy Tart, Blackburn was a caravan guard. His travels across the region made him privy to a plethora of stories, rumors, and secrets. He retired after a particularly nasty skirmish left him with a limp, which can be seen when the weather turns cold or stormy. Using the gold he'd saved, he bought The Saucy Tart. His old connections still serve him, bringing in news from all over the region.
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"Friend, in The Saucy Tart, gold speaks louder than words; if you've got a golden tongue, you might just hear the whispers of the world."


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