Olwenna Mossveil Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Olwenna Mossveil: Witch of the Darkwood

"Magic is the lifeblood of the forest, as vital as the rivers and as deep as the roots. To misuse it is to invite disaster upon oneself and the land."
— Witch of the Darkwood

Appearance and Demeanor

  • Race: Human.
  • Physical Traits: Venerable, with wrinkles and silver hair showcasing many winters passed. Her green eyes gleam with an enigmatic inner light.
  • Clothing: Adorned in robes of dark green and brown, embellished with bones, feathers, and mystical trinkets, emitting a soft clatter with movement. Her hands, aged yet precise, adeptly craft spells and concoctions.


  • Origin: Formerly of Eastdale, once a member of the Forest Wardens' druidic circle, Olwenna departed due to disagreements, opting for a reclusive life deep within the Darkwood Forest.
  • Role: Acts as a mediator between the Darkwood's mystic forces and Eastdale's residents, commanding both respect and fear.


  • Disposition: Driven by a profound reverence for Darkwood’s magic and the equilibrium of life. She staunchly opposes any exploitation of the forest's mystical resources.
  • Focus: Dedicated to aiding those cursed or afflicted by magical ailments, reflecting her commitment to maintaining natural magic's balance.

Motivations and Goals

  • Purpose: Her prime motivation is to safeguard the forest's magic from misuse, emphasizing healing, protection, and natural balance.
  • Objective: Thwarts efforts by her former circle and others to misuse the forest’s power.

Notable Skills

  • Magical Expertise: An adept witch, Olwenna is versed in herbal lore, potion-making, and various magical rituals, especially cleansing, protection, healing, and counteracting curses.
  • Sensory Acuity: Possesses an acute magical sense, capable of detecting and unraveling complex spells and curses.

Additional Details

  • Familiar: Gloomfeather, a wise raven, often acts as her messenger and scout within the forest.
  • Residence: Her hut, sequestered deep in the forest, is safeguarded by an array of wards and magical defenses to repel intruders or thieves.
Current Location
True form of the Witch of the Darkwood.
"They call me a witch, a recluse, a keeper of forbidden knowledge. But remember, child, knowledge is only forbidden to those who fear its power. In the right hands, it can be the key to understanding the mysteries of this world."

First Encountered

Session 39 - The Road Less Traveled
Report | Apr 27, 2024

Second day on the gauntlet road; a turn.. for the worse?


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