HEX - 0714 Geographic Location in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

HEX - 0714


  • Dense, shadowy swamp forests with muddy grounds and quicksand pockets.
  • The Gauntlet Road, precarious and narrow, carves through the swamp.
  • Large rock formations and ancient, rune-covered stones known as The Whispering Stones.
  • Magical fogs, capable of disorienting travelers or revealing glimpses of other realms.

Geographical Details Uncovered:

  • Bowl-shaped elevation leading to "swamp lakes" and difficult navigation.
  • The Gauntlet Road narrows further, edged by treacherous drop-offs.
  • Abundant but cautious wildlife, hinting at the presence of Silt Orcs and other dangers.
  • Olwenna's Hut, shrouded in protective charms and difficult to find without guidance.
Olwenna Mossveil
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Reclusive witch of the Darkwood; former member of the Forest Wardens' druidic circle.

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Second day on the gauntlet road; a turn.. for the worse?

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