Seren, the Huntress Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Seren, the Huntress

Seren is a ranger and the Brotherhood's chief scout.
Her exceptional tracking skills and keen understanding of the wilderness make her instrumental in tracking the spread of the Soul Fungus. While she is not as deeply connected to nature as the druids of the Brotherhood, her devotion to their cause is just as strong.
Seren's primary motivation is vengeance.
She watched as her home and family were swallowed by the fungal blight. Now, she uses her anger and sorrow to fuel her determination, promising to avenge her family and prevent others from suffering the same fate.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

"The Soul Fungus may have taken everything I held dear, but it will never take my resolve. I hunt it, not for justice, but for vengeance."

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