The Sporebane Sanctuary

Hidden deep within dense rocks; a copse of trees, and shrubs with a hidden small pond, The Sporebane Brotherhood has established their secret camp and hideout, known as the "Sporebane Sanctuary." This sanctuary is designed to provide a safe haven for the members of the Brotherhood while they plan their operations to combat the Soul Fungus.


  • Entrance: Disguised as a grove of ordinary trees, a narrow passage concealed by enchantments leads to the campsite. Only those who know the secret druidic signals can access it.
  • The Hearthstone Circle: At the heart of the camp a circular clearing surrounding a fire pit. The fire burns with an emerald-green flame, casting a calming aura over the area.
  • Healer's Tent: A large, leafy tent where druidic healers like Lorien, the Blossom-Hand tend to the wounded and experiment with fungal remedies.
  • Archery Range: Seren, the Huntress, trains recruits and fellow rangers here, honing their tracking and combat skills.


  • Arcane Chamber: A secluded, underground chamber where the Brotherhood's arcane scholars, led by a reclusive wizard, analyze fungal samples and ancient texts for clues on the Soul Fungus.
  • Council Grove: An enchanted grove with massive, ancient trees forming a natural council chamber. Brotherhood leaders gather here to discuss strategies and important decisions.
  • The Library Nook: Hidden amidst the roots of a colossal oak tree is a well-protected collection of rare books and scrolls containing knowledge about the Soul Fungus and its origins.
  • The Vault: A heavily warded chamber, deep beneath the ground, where the Brotherhood stores valuable artifacts, potent herbs, and samples of the Soul Fungus for research.



  • Wards and Glyphs: The entire camp and hideout are protected by intricate druidic wards and magical glyphs, preventing unauthorized access.
  • Scout's Perch: Seren's eagle companion, Windswift, perches here, serving as a lookout for approaching danger.


  • Sustainable Living: The Brotherhood strives to minimize their impact on the environment. They use renewable resources and gather food from the forest while maintaining its delicate balance.
  • A Peaceful Ambiance: The camp is designed to be in harmony with nature, creating a serene atmosphere that promotes reflection and healing.

Inner Sanctuary
The Sporebane Sanctuary serves as a strategic base of operations for the Brotherhood, a refuge for those affected by the plague, and a center of knowledge as they work tirelessly to find a cure for the Soul Fungus.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Included Organizations
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