Session 48 - Architects Quarters Report in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Session 48 - Architects Quarters

General Summary

Session date: CONTINUNING on 13th of Leandro (Luscious Month) (mountain Day)
Party changes (Attendance)
Characters shifted off screen
Characters added from the dark

This session, we decend into the alcove of the yellow lantern, identified by the symbol of the architect. The passage is partially obstructed by a large granite stone, which blocks much of the hallway. Faint whispers of wind can be heard. The corridor is lined with statues that seem to observe our every move, creating a solemn and mysterious atmosphere as we venture further into the unknown.
by SeveralPeople (ShadowDark Discord)
Brown Mold blocking progress? An Idea so crazy; it just might work...maybe...

Architects Quarters

Rewards Granted

XP awaiting "The-Take"

  • Experience (1 XP) (Treasure)
  • Sack of coins (35 gp) (15 sp)
  • Cloudy Red Ruby - (50 gp)

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

  • None

Created Content

  • Raddel; passes the first Enduring Wounds check of season 2.
  • Continued tinkering with the elaborate mechanism in the false tomb
  • Learned - "Decorative runes" in alcoves in the false tomb are traps; these locations raise tubes from the floor designed to kill instantly.
  • The party decides to take the wind-driven metal tube elevator, into the depths of the Architects layer.
  • Architects Quarters

    Elevator Descent below "Yellow Alcove"


    The entry is lined with a dozen androgynous, hairless humanoids standing in deferential poses as if paying homage to an unseen viewer. The passage extends through an elaborately carved arch, mostly obscured by a large stone block, revealing only a fraction of the hallway beyond.  

    Passage of Honor

    This hallway features carvings that evoke a stirring tempest, with six alcoves each housing an androgynous humanoid figure with cupped hands.  


    A central, dull gray stone pillar stretches from floor to ceiling. The hallway encircles this pillar, marked by several alcoves. One alcove contains a deployed crushing stone trap, while another houses a fountain filled with nutritive orange sludge.  

    Living Quarters?

    Dominated by a large bed-shaped stone, this room features a robust relief with outstretched arms above the bed, displaying a stylized architect's symbol. The area is complemented by finely crafted stone dressers and wardrobes.  


    A faint amount of natural sunlight filters into a workshop, partially visible and blocked by a hazardous patch of frozen brown mold. The room appears undisturbed, suggesting it has been left in its original state for some time.
    Personal Sigil of Nadroc - The Architect
    Report Date
    04 May 2024
    Secondary Location
    The Crypt of Whispering Sorcerers
    Geographic Location | Jun 14, 2024

    A haunting wind calls; whispering in primordial a single name Zosiel

    HEX - 0216
    Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

    A great scar in a rolling highland field


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