RIP - Raddel Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

RIP - Raddel

Ancestry: Human
Class: Priest
Level: 2 (5/20)
Title: Initiate
Alignment: Chaotic
Background: Wanted
Deity: Memnon
Languages: Common, Merran, Primordial

Location of death: The Crypt of Whispering Sorcerers
Death on: Session 49 - A Cold Trip
Number of sessions in world: (7)
Father Raddel's fate in the architect's lair presents a haunting tale of daring and doom. Confronted by an expansive carpet of freezing brown mold, he embarked on a bold, perhaps reckless, plan to navigate the treacherous path. Raddel crafted makeshift stilts by affixing spent torches to spikes on the soles in stolen boots, aiming to stride above the perilous mold.   However, as he ventured across, the wooden stilts crushed the mold, rendering the surface unexpectedly slick and mushy. This alteration caused him to lose his balance. Failing to regain his footing, Raddel tumbled to the mold-covered floor. Tragically, the mold latched onto a previously exposed wound on the artery in his inner thigh. Almost instantly, the invasive mold began to crystallize the blood in his veins, viciously shredding his arteries and freezing his heart from the inside out.   In the chilling silence of his final moments, the voice of Memnon echoed through Raddel's lips, scornfully proclaiming him a fool and declaring him no longer necessary. This eerie proclamation marked a grim end to Father Raddel's courageous yet ill-fated venture.   Rest in peace our red-haired priest of duality.
Impacts Beyond the Grave
  • In the town of Westkeep, a startling revelation unfolded as Halfdan, a wealthy merchant and a hidden believer in chaos, was uncovered. His connection to Father Raddel and a clandestine life of turmoil came to light.
  • The phrase "We are the Wild Fire" emerged as a lasting symbol of this unsettling discovery, marking a profound impact on the secret community of believers of Memnon.
  • Player: SeveralPeople
    by SeveralPeople (ShadowDark Discord)
    by SeveralPeople (ShadowDark Discord)
    Halfdan, the Wealthy Merchant


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