Hound Hall

HOUNDS: Members of the Guild

Hounds are often insulted by calling them dogs or worse, pups.
    TOTEMS: A Hound’s grave is marked with a totem. Engraved on the totem are all their achievements. The more achievements, the larger and more intricate the totem.
For low rank Hounds, their totem is often insulted by referring them to ‘sticks’. Dog’s chase sticks.      CALLER: A Hound is given a rune that the Hound Hall keeps its pair, allowing them to track the Hound’s death. When a Hound dies, the runes shatter. Can also be used by the Hall to send messages to a Hound when they are away from the Hall.
    HANDLER: The person who manages job requisitions and the Hounds of a Hound Hall. When paying out rewards for jobs, they collect the Master’s Cut. (a 10% cut could mean a Hound loses a gold if a job paid 10 gold.)
    HOUND MASTER: The head of the Hound Hall.
    KENNEL: Inns specifically hosted for Hounds are called kennels. “The Howling Rooster is the local kennel.”
    WEALDS: A graveyard for Hounds.

-The Great Weald is where the greatest of Hounds are buried. It is a great honor to be buried there.

WOLF: An untrustworthy Hound. Someone other hounds suspect of foul play and of scavenging fellow hounds’ jobs.


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