Messenger Guilds

The Storm Bearers

The Storm Bearers is a prestigious messenger guild. They will deliver packages of any kind at any time, including during and through a high storm, if you have the coin. They are extremely expensive, but are worth every gold. Storm Bearers are more than just couriers, they are accomplished adventurers.    

The Golden Letter Courier’s Company

A well known and reliable messenger guild. Letters and packages can be instantly transported using magical ‘mailboxes’ to other cities or to a home or business of your choice in the local city or town. They also have couriers that will hand deliver letters and packages to homes or businesses for a lesser fee.    

Peregrine’s Parcels

An affordable and wide spread messenger guild. They use messenger birds and drakes. Deliveries cannot be sent to individual homes or businesses. They only deliver letters and small packages that must be picked up or dropped off at a local post office. This guild was established a long time ago.     

The Wooden Woads’ Express

A lesser known messenger guild that is useful for delivering letters and packages to people who are in remote places. This is a great service for merchants and hounds who are normally on the road. You do have to pay a subscription to use their service.

Letters and packages are sent and received through trees using tree-stride magic. Wooden Woad offices have a central mother tree that connects to other trees in the area. Office workers send and receive parcels through the mother tree.


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