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Whereas Kitari pragmatism caused independence to be subtle and subdued. Abetran's unhindered by the south's stable climate flourished as a hundred smaller peoples each entirely unrecognisable from the other except for the singular philosophical underpinning, individual freedom. Abetran society was rapidly drowned in conflict as identity manifested as factionalism and factionalism as war. Over 300 years of armed conflict accelerated technical achievement beyond imagination at the cost of the southern ecosystem. As transcontinental flight became a reality plans were even in the process of folding their Northern cousins into the war for identity. These plans would be halted as a movement of mediation came about across the two largest armed nations. This movement, started by a person named Xeara called for societies to not simply tolerate one another but to accommodate the other, to live as the other. For the next century, cultural divisions would be healed and cooperative efforts would be born from the Abetran Mediators who would be chosen from their community to step into the lives of their rivals and facilitate reunification.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Names aren't inherently tied to family in Abetran society, instead they are descriptions of the individual, and they are earned. Core names (more metaphorically called nicknames) are more commonly used.


Beauty Ideals

Abetrans being less pragmatic about physiology highly prize fully developed breasts founded in a minority of Abetrans.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship ideally for the average Abetran is as public and explicit as socially possible.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships much like courtship are as much companionship as it is an expression of identity Abetran relationships are as stable and as chaotic as individuals desire them to be.
Parent ethnicities
Languages spoken


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