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Hakon Combined Military Training Depot (hˈe͡ɪkən kəmbˈa͡ɪnd mˈɪlətˌɛɹi tɹˈe͡ɪnɪŋ dˈiːpo͡ʊ)

The Hakon Combined Military Training Depot is the collective name for hundreds of military facilities built across the artificial solar system officially known as FD-234-876 by the Taskforce Cartography Corps and unofficially as the Hakon System to all other service personnel trained there. The Hakon was claimed by the Unified Security Group in July of 2339 after the Q-Ship HM-74 from the now defunct Office of Strategic Activities was exploring a non-standard Aether Space Ingress Point that didn't align with the usual pattern of Lagrange Points. When they found an artificial solar system filled with geologically stable gaia worlds, the system was earmarked and Aether Bouys were dropped at both the Aether Ingress and Egress Points to better track the "Pocket Realm" as it was being informally referred to. The Hakon was initially planned as a Taskforce contingency plan in case of catastrophe. With the turn of the new year and the beginning of the Concealer War, the Taskforce would transform from an intelligence agency into a warfighting military. Requiring a secret, secure, advanced, and large-scale training facility that could equip, train, and augment millions of new recruits the Hakon was transformed into a multi-service training depot where soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen would be trained to fight the Concealer threat. In the face of a rapidly deteriorating strategic situation as Concealer drones broke down defenders in what would become the 300 Day Darkness, the Hakon's longer orbital cycles enabled faster training cycles to stem the Concealer advance. When the war ended and the Taskforce vanished under Security Protocol Omega, much of the Hakon infrastructure would be put into storage and standby with No.2 Military Training Establishment and Camp Yankee remaining in active use by the newly formalised Office of Strategic Intelligence.


The Hakon has several facilities from each of the four Taskforce Operations services as well as the Office of Strategic Intelligence. With literally hundreds of facilities these are just a few notable training centres.   Unified Naval Service   Naval Base UNV Temeraire, Naval Space Station UNSS Kaery   Unified Marine Corps   Marine Corps Recruit Depot Ang Var   Unified Air Corps   UAC Base Zhang Jihui   Unified Army   Army Recruit Training Centre, Thapa Barracks   Office of Strategic Intelligence   No.2 Military Training Establishment and Camp Yankee
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Hakon
Military, Camp
Location under
Owning Organization


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