BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Æshtar is the goddess of the stars and magic. According to the legends, she was originaly a large grey Owl, and the second of the three animals who assisted Tara in bringing order into the world. As such, she became one of the Triumvirate

Though her fellow gods took the black and white aspects of being; life/death, light/dark, etc. Æshtar claimed the spaces inbetween, the dawn and dusk, knowledge, technology, and magic. All things that can bridge the gaps between people.

Wisdom, creativity and equality are what she values most. she is often worshiped by sourcerors, bards, wizards, and those who seak wisdom and ballance.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Peace, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The owl and the book
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess
Character Portrait image: A Million Stars by Maxine Vee


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