Barony of Olwash Organization in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Barony of Olwash (OL-wash)

Olwash is the westernmost barony of the Johnslands.

The barony is officially ruled by the beloved moon elf baroness Yesyra Olwash, though it is her human husband Lorcæs Olwash who takes care of all of the official tasks of office. Their two half elf children Hofyn Olwash and Iloros Olwash have begun to learn the day to day of the kingdom from their aging father.



Nestled in the foothills of the Frostbreak Mountains to the west, Olwash is bordered in the north by Halk's Pass and the Silver Citadel, in the south by the Caannor river, and in the west by the Hellspring River. Olwash is spotted with hills and pine forests at lower elevations, turning to hardy ash forests and mountain meadows the higher up you go. The hot lake known as the Hellspring creates a wet region in the north of Olwash, dominated by the Blooddthorn woods.

Never seen the need to pull Olwash into my influence. They are a kind and noble people, much unlike the others who call the Moorlands home.

--The Silver Queen

Geographic areas

Frostbreak Mountains -- Bloodthorn Woods -- Hellspring River -- Pigeon Hills -- Caannor River -- Forest of Lost Souls -- Grey Owl Wods


Olwash Castle -- Hellspring -- Trails End


The giant Breakfrost goat is known for it's heavy white hair that can be spun into wool that is twice as fine as normal sheep's wool. Wild goats roam throughout the lands, and domesticated versions are a cornerstone of the Olwash economy. Rabbits and marmots are common up in the meadows, and squirrels and weasels are common in the wooded areas lower down. Foxes tend to be pretty common, as do wolves and black bears. Snow tigers roam the high mountain peaks, though in the deep of winter, it's not uncommon to find them stalking among the villages at night, and often breaking into goat barns.

The Red shrill is a songbird known for its ear piercing call that can be heard echoing around the mountains. The woods and meadows are teaming with grouse, and giant eagles sore through the sky, looking to snatch up goat kids. Massive owls have been seen in the Broadthorn woods, and pidgins practically infest the hills around @beg.

Streams and brooks around are home to brook trout, and the Hellspring river is home to massive sturgeon. The Hellspring is home to fresh water mussels, though they are rarley eaten, as they have a strong sulfurus smell, and a very spicy flavor.

The hearty mountain ash grows fast, and is both strong and easy to work with, allowing carvers a massive amount of detail in their work. Mountain medows are covered in red wæsblood flowers. Up in the high craigs of the Frostbreak Mountains can be found Æshtar's brush, which can be used to help with fever, and can be used as an ingrediant in healing potions. The spice tree, which can be found plentifuly in the foothills produces a spicy flower bud similar to cloves, with more or a cinnamon flavor. It's used in a lot of Olwash baking, and is a major ingredient in Olwash Biscuts. The Gnome's cap mushroom, is a highly halucinagenic purple mushroom that can be found in wooded areas in and around the Broadthorn woods, and is a popular intoxicant, especialy with young people.



Olwash is the coldest part of the Moorlands and as such grains have a hard time growin in the high, rocky terrain. The only exception being the high alpine barley, which will grow but has a low yield. There is a brisk trade in products from the Breakfrost goat, such as it's wool and a rich hard cheese called Olwash Gold. Ash and Pine are harvested and either sold as lumber, or used to craft fine woodcarvings and clockworks. In the rocky foot hills in the south of Olwash contains copper mines, as well as a few gem mines.

  • Exports include; woodcraft, lumber, gems, copper, cheese, wool, and clockworks.
  • Imports include; wheat flour, sugar, iron, & spices.


Humans hold a slim majority in Olwash, with a mix of Fjordian and Johnsman ethnicities. Forest gnomes can be found in the Bloodthorn Woods and rock gnomes in the Pigeon Hills. Dwarven settlements can be found in the Silver Mountains near the Hellspring and the Frostbreak Mountains near Beggar's Hole. Moon elves are not uncommon due to Olwash's proximity to High Pine and Evermyst.  


  Ritherhithe -- Hollyhead -- Ballymena -- Pinnella Pass -- Harthwaite -- Syrincest -- el'rimylly -- Nancledra -- Mirfield -- Tottenham -- Birkhamsted -- Beggar's Hole -- Pændley -- Pæthsmouth -- Tillicoultry  

Unique Customs

During weddings, every member of the immediate family must be present. If someone cannot make it because they are away or passed on, a small carving of them is put in their place. Because of this, many families are gifted a carving of their decesed loved one during funerals, and that carving lives in a place of honor in the household.

When apprentices finish their training and enter into their journeyman stage, Tradition dictates that they are to craft an item for Æshtar. This involves drinking a tea made from the gnome's cap mushroom. This has the general effect of making the apprentice violently ill and hallucinate. Under the watch of his master, the apprentice designs and crafts an item (art, wood carving, clockwork, painting, or the like). The more confusing the piece is, the more blessed the new journeyman is seen in his craft. Æshtar crafts from a Master's early years are highly saught after.

Traditionaly, whenever a new house is built, a small cake is baked and placed on the step outside the front door. This is ment to appease any fae spirits that may be displeased by the construction. It's no uncommon to repeat this ceremony if bad luck or illness ever falls upon a member of the household.  


The Festival of the Mountains is mostly associated with homemade holiday decorations, welcoming strangers into your home, fireside feasts and group games. It is officially celebrated for one week (from , but preparations often start weeks before, so many decorations can be seen much earlier. Strangers who brave the mountains will find their welcome warmer the higher they go up in the mountains, with the Harthwaite festival being the biggest and brightest, and one stranger being taken to Trail's End Tavern and crowned "king of the mountain".

The Droving is celebrated in the early spring. this is when the goats are shorn and hearded from their winter paddocks into the mountain pastures. Today it is mostly associated with traditional hair styling, acts of courage, random acts of kindness, heavy drinking, and romantic gestures. It is officially celebrated for 2 weeks, but it can be both shorter and longer, depending on the weather.

Elfdown happens around midsummer, when the Wæsblood flowers are in full bloom. it is a somber festival, where bonfires are lit and strong juniper flavored spirits are drunk. it celebrates the sacrifice of the High elven king Wæsqen Elthæa in the battle against the Fomorians. the flowers are worn in hair and on garlends. it is a time to renew vows and business dealings and to start new ventures.

Pineswatch is celebrated in the end of autumn, around the time of the first snowfalls. It's a holiday with mysterious roots, some claming it came the past when the elves of the High Pine were not so friendly and the trees themselves had to be passified. But today it is mostly associated with colorful candles, night walks, gag gifts and wearing homemade costumes. It is officially celebrated for twelve days, but decorations for the Festival of the mountains begin soon after this one ends, resulting in a much longer period of festivities.

I happened to be visiting friends in High Pine during the Festival of the Mountains. I don't normaly bother with local celebrations, but the people were so welcoming and I truly felt like the King of the Mountain.

--Ellar Amaendel, Master of Enchantment, High Glenn University



The cuisine of Olwash is very rich. Lots of goat, cheese, and cream based dishes. Many have a strong, herbal flavours like mint and anise. Breads are mostly wheat, supplemented with "alpine flour" made from wild barley.

Fine and white flour, some of the best from Aestong are imported into Olwash in vast quantities. As such Ritherhithe is well known as a place of pastries. Sugar, honey and fruit travels from the Orchards And the bakers guild produces some of the best pastry chefs in the Rainlands.

Olwash Biscuts are a type of gingerbread fruitcake that is full of sugar. So much so, that a sheeperd can last in the high meadows for a month on only a couple of cakes. Goat stew with wild barley and onions, and trout in cream sauce are common. Pickling and preserving are freqently used to preserve ingredients through the harsh mountain winters, with extreemly flavorful jams being the result.

Light, lagered ale is the drink of choice, though thick highly flavored liqueurs are often drunk as well. Fresh spring water is also plentiful.



The majority of clothes in Olwash are made from wool, thou wearing fur is common during the long alpine winter. Colors tend towards crisp whites, and shades of blue, green and brown. Little red 4 pointed flowers, reminiscent of the wæsblood flowers, and dark blue thistles are often embroidered on clothes. Most patterns are solid, but small blue and green, or red and white checked patterns are not uncommon.

Clothes are commonly long sleaved, and skirts and breaches are usualy knee lenght, paired with wollen stockings in the colder months. It isn't uncommon for folk to go barefoot during the summers, otherwise short, low heeled boots are the norm. Men tend to wear short brimmed hats, while women may wear kirchiefs. in the winter months, everyone tends to wear rabbit fur caps.

jewlery is limited to broaches and tight fiting leather cuffs decorated with beads and gems on the wrists and ankles. Pearcings are rare, and tend to be an indicator of status. Tattoos are uncommon, and are almost always of a floral design on the exposed lower legs.

Unmarried women tend to wear their hair in long braids, often wrapped up on the back or side of their heads. Women will cut off their braids on their wedding day, and many a girl looks forward to the day they cut their hair. Women then chose whether to keep their hair short, though it is considered scandalous for a married woman to let her hair get past her shoulders. Men mostly chose to wear elaborate beards and moustaches, keeping their hair short.

You haven't lived until you have taken a dip in the Hellspring... Though you might no live long after

-- Grand Dame Felrosa


The lands of Olwash are not without their monsters. Blue, White, and copper dragons can be found in the western peaks of the Frostbreaks along with stone giants. Occasionally Frost giants can be found raiding from the Silver Mountains. Orcs have been known to come up from the south. Rourmors are that some sort of devil inhabits the caves near the hellspring, and he has been roumored to offer deals to travellers, though many who go sneaking them never return.

The Frostbreaks are also home to yeti, remorhas, and heavily feathered harpies. Olwash owlbears have a spotted grey color and can be found in the broadthorn woods.the Broadthorn is also full of bandits, who often prey on travellers who travel to Halk's Pass or on to the Fjordlands.

Feltha i yrn, um irthod fath (Gnomish: Like the Tree, we will stand)

Geopolitical, Barony
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Rainlands coinage
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