Eagle’s Reach Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Eagle’s Reach

Situated high in the mountains, this former military outpost is now the main stop along the Ceadersky Highway


Because of its remoteness, the town has a wide variety of races that call it home. Most are the family of former military, loggers, and a few odd types who haven’t found a home anywhere else.


The town is run by a Noble family. Laws are decided by a council of merchants who suggest new rules for the community. Laws are enforced by an official The Rainlands Military garrison, and crimes are tried by wandering judges


A wall protects the town from the north and south, with sheer cliffs to the east and west. The souther wall includes a guard tower and a drawbridge over a small river, while the north has a guard tower. The town itself is manned by the town guard. Since the only thing the town has to worry about is wild animals and the occasional bandit, the defences are plenty sufficent.

Industry & Trade

The town does a brisk trade with anyone traveling via the Ceadersky highway. It also produces lumber and ore for transport down to Appleby and the Northern Moors.


The town is surrounded on the north and south by a stone wall. The town is built on a naturally wide area on the side of a mountain, with a sheer cliff to the east, with the Forlond Woods at the bottom. To the west is a rocky cliff face that protects the town. The cedarsky highway runs through the town, and is gated at the walls to the north and south. A draw bridge is to the south, covering a rocky 20’ deep crevasse. To the south is a double gate, the western most one guards the Cedarsky, the other protects the town from the Serpent road, a winding narrow road that snakes down the cliff to the lake at the bottom of the cliff, and then moves on into the elf wood. There is a bridge over the Eagle river, which leads from the grotto in the west of the city to the cliffside where it takes a 2 mile drop into the lake.


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