Edgewood Inn Building / Landmark in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Edgewood Inn

The inn is a modest wooden building, with several shuttered windows and a dirt floor covered in straw. It is exceptionally filthy, and dimly lit by a few tallow candles. Accomodations consist of a few small rooms with straw mats.   The innkeeper is an old male human named Munda. He has been stealing casks of drink from another tavern.   Menu
  • Vegetable Stew, Mug of Stout (2 cp)
  • Buckwheat Porridge, Mug of Cider (2 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Dried Artichoke, Tankard of Perry (13 cp)
  • Boiled Partridge and Wheat Bread, Tankard of Cider (9 cp)
  • Pottage, Mug of Bitter (5 cp)
  • Gona: Female Elf Artist, Good. Gona is exceptionally beautiful, with black hair and gray eyes. She wears well-made clothing and silk gloves. Gona is quiet, and says as little as possible.
  • Wleda: Female Human Scofflaw, Good. Wleda is heavyset, with braided copper hair and green eyes. She wears sturdy clothing and a bronze amulet. Wleda is easily distracted by food and drink.
  • Gili: Male Dwarf Mercenary, Evil. Gili has a narrow face, with tangled white hair and blue eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a spear and shield. Gili is quarreling with a company of elves.
  • Ebrialtan: Female Elf Scholar, Neutral. Ebrialtan is rough in appearance, with long brown hair and gray eyes. She wears modest garments and an amulet of luminous crystal. Ebrialtan seeks revenge against the sister who betrayed her.
  • Irdaldor: Male Elf Priest, Good. Irdaldor is thin, with white hair and soft gray eyes. He wears fine clothing and a sling of vials and potions. Irdaldor lost his reflection to a nymph.
  • Cuthburgh: Male Human Professional, Good. Cuthburgh is cultured in appearance, with silver hair and large green eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a sling of vials and potions. Cuthburgh is searching for his lost sister.
  • The reeve is a descendant of Arel the Possessed.
  • Someone has been looting tombs at the Temple of the Celestial Lords.
  • A pack of aberrant monsters prowls through the Ashen Hills.
  • A spectral dragon has been seen in the Sunless Fen.
  • The dragon Arel has burned the Verdant Labyrinth to ash and cinders.
  • A group of pilgrims has uncovered a terrible secret in the Pircuito Jungle.
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