Hammer and Gem Inn Building / Landmark in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Hammer and Gem Inn

The inn is a modest half-timbered building, with a poorly-thatched roof. A large iron cauldron sits in the center of the common room. Accomodations consist of a single large room with wooden cots.   Menu
  • Pinenut Bread and Bitter Cheese, Mug of Mead (5 cp)
  • Roasted Artichoke, Mug of Stout (3 cp)
  • Stewed Parsnip, Mug of Stout (4 cp)
  • Vegetable Stew, Mug of Perry (5 cp)
  • Dried Hare and Dried Peas, Tankard of Bitter (10 cp)
  • Wheat Porridge, Mug of Beer (5 cp)
  • Inguag Steinidotr: Female Dwarf Necromancer, Evil. Inguag is exceptionally beautiful, with brown hair and hazel eyes. She wears dark robes and wields a dagger and sling. Inguag seeks to become an instructor at High Glen .
  • Kaeti Odnilson: Male Dwarf Assassin, Neutral. Kaeti has straight golden hair and dark hazel eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a poisoned short sword and darts. Kaeti seeks to free himself from an ancient curse.
  • Anbeold: Male Human Assassin, Good. Anbeold is fair in appearance, with curly golden hair and large green eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger. Anbeold is blind in his left eye.
  • Hiri: Male Dwarf Druid, Neutral. Hiri has silver hair and gray eyes, and an unusual scar on his arm. He wears leather armor and wields a hammer and sling. Hiri is blind in his right eye.
  • Athet: Female Dwarf Cleric, Evil. Athet has silver hair and brown eyes, and wears glasses with copper rims. She wears banded mail and wields a club. Athet is searching for an ancient artifact of evil.
  • Mera: Female Dwarf Cleric, Evil. Mera has red hair and hazel eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a flail. Mera is talking quietly with a group of lost pilgrims.
  • The hearthstone of the Crossed Spears is actually the phylactery of an ancient lich.
  • An order of demonic cultists has opened a magical portal in the Emerald Forest.
  • The Secret Temple of Death is haunted by the ghosts of dragons.
  • The chancellor of the courts is actually a cruel werewolf.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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